È una metafora amichevole, non un vero coffee. Ogni "coffee" costa £3 e puoi comprarne quanti ne vuoi.
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Chi siamo Bruce Fummey
Sostenitori recenti
Here's a wee video I made to say thank you and let you know how your support has helped over the last couple of months. You are all superstars https://youtu.be/6WuUT39CzOk
Oct 25, 2020
241 visualizzazioni
Thank you to those that have already bought me a coffee. I'm putting it to good use right now, as I had to get up at 7.30am to head to Turnberry Castle. I'ts Robert the Bruce's birthday this week don't you know. Shut it! 7.30am is early for me.
Early start
Jul 06, 2020
144 visualizzazioni
OK, so this is all very new to me, but I hoe as time goes on I'll drink lots of coffee and make lots of great videos.. I want to thank Anthony for being the first ever guy to buy me a coffee. Yeay GO Anthony!