I just published my first children’s col ...

I just published my first children’s coloring book! 

Nov 16, 2021

Big news everyone!!!

I just published my first children’s coloring book! 

“Colora la scienza (draw science - Wissenschaft färben)” is a book dedicated to all children who are passionate about #science.

The book consists of 28 scientific-themed drawings starting from the #microscope, passing through #fossils and the #CoralReef, and up to the #PeriodicTable and #Volcanoes.

Each drawing is accompanied by an explanation in Italian, German and English to encourage multilingualism and school inclusion.

You can buy it on Amazon!

.com: https://amzn.to/3ot8XmO 

.co.uk: https://amzn.to/322fKfI

.it: https://amzn.to/3Fhd8Jb 

.de: https://amzn.to/3nhw3gK 

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