It’s September! (And It Has Been For Awh ...

It’s September! (And It Has Been For Awhile)

Sep 17, 2021

Well, friends, I think I’ve broken my record for latest monthly newsletter ever—September is halfway over, and I have no excuse.

Actually, that’s not true.

I have plenty of excuses I could throw at you. The untimely death of my iPad (it’s working again, by the way!). The fact that my teaching job starts up again next week. The pile of freelance work cluttering my to-do list.

Those would all be great excuses, except that none of them are the reason that this newsletter is two weeks late. The plain truth of it is that honestly, I haven’t been that inspired lately—and that’s fine. If you’re a creative person, you know that there are seasons that are just kind of… meh. What can I say?

But let’s face it: if you were the type of person to be waiting by your inbox on the first of every month for my newsletter, and if you were also the type of person to get upset when that email did not appear on time, then you probably wouldn’t be the type of person subscribed to something with “scatterbrain” in its title, anyway.

So it’s fine.

Still, on the off chance that you did miss me, I would like to offer you my sincerest apologies in the form of this Etsy coupon:

Now, on to the good stuff.

Here are the wacky holidays in September (many of which have already passed…oops):

September 4: Wildlife Day

September 5: Pet Rock Day

September 6: Fight Procrastination Day (yeah, I lost)

September 8: Iguana Awareness Day

September 14: Cream Filled Donut Day

September 15: International Dot Day

September 19: International Red Panda Day

September 20: Pepperoni Pizza Day

September 21: World Gratitude Day

September 21: International Day of Peace

September 25: World Dream Day

September 30: Ask a Stupid Question Day

I might have already lost the fight against procrastination, but I will surely be celebrating Pepperoni Pizza Day with incredible fervor.

And in honor of World Gratitude Day on the 21st, I’ve also begun working on a new Creative Gratitude Challenge for October!

Each day in October I’ll release three new prompts—an action prompt, a journaling prompt, and a creative prompt—surrounding a specific gratitude topic. I’ll be moving through the challenge primarily on my Instagram stories, but Sticker Club members will get early access to the whole month’s challenges right here on Buy Me A Coffee!

More info to come soon, so stay tuned!

And speaking of the Sticker Club…

This month’s theme is one that is near and dear to my heart. One of my favorite things about the apartment Oscar and I share in Tainan is the view—we have a balcony overlooking the canal, and it’s just friggin’ beautiful.

(And, side note: There’s no way we could afford a place like this in most countries. Taiwan’s cost of living is ridiculously affordable, which is why we can live so comfortably. So if you live in the US or somewhere else more expensive, PLEASE don’t feel bad if you can’t afford a balcony. It doesn’t mean you don’t deserve one.)

But the best part of our view isn’t the canal or the sunset or the city… No, it’s the dogs.

See, we live directly across the street from a park where people like to bring their dogs. It’s sort of the “unofficial dog park” of the neighborhood, and every day around 4pm that park fills up with dogs of all shapes and sizes.

And man, are they happy to be at the park.

I mean, it’s impossible to have a bad day when you look out your window and see a bunch of doggies running and jumping and playing with each other and sniffing everybody and rolling around in the grass. It’s just happy, and we all need a little happy in our days.

Oscar and I both really want to get a dog (or twelve) someday, but we know that now isn’t the right time… So we’re content with getting a little puppy love from our front yard in the afternoons.

And as you’ve probably guessed, this month that puppy love has inspired our sticker club theme: dogs!

Yep, I drew some doggies for ya! And if you’re in the sticker club, you’ll get a set of doggie stickers in the mail to brighten up your day (along with some stickers of your choice, of course).

And honestly, I can’t top dogs, so I’ll leave you with that for today, folks. Stay tuned for more info on the Creative Gratitude Challenge and other fun stuff coming up!

Happy making,

Rosie at Scatterbrain Studios

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