Meditation of the Bubble - Trust

Meditation of the Bubble - Trust

Sep 02, 2022

Trust and Faith are sister.
Faith in its purest expression and not manipulated by Humans.
It is also an expression and an exercise that has become difficult for us, after so many millennia of deceptions of falsehoods.

We sometimes no longer manage to have Faith, to have Trust. However, this trust is essential.
Succeeding after all this time in rediscovering the power of Surrender to the messages of our Soul and to the insights of our Guides is essential to be able to move forward, to recognize what suits us or not, to know where the Path is.
If we have faith and fully trust ourselves, our path will appear as in broad daylight and we will know exactly how, where and at what pace to walk.
Through this meditation may you return to Pure Trust.

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