Sanskar Tiwari
11 supporters
Build Flutter Chat App with Firebase Aut ...

Build Flutter Chat App with Firebase Auth & Firestore

Nov 12, 2020


Learn how to build Fully Functioning Chat App with Flutter & Firebase in 5 hours the course is divided into 4 Parts,

Everything is explained with a single prerequisite of having flutter installed and run at least the sample app that's all

📕 Things covered in this Series:

  • 1️⃣ Firebase Auth: Sign in, Sign up and Sign out

  • 2️⃣ Firebase Firestore: Upload & Retrieve data stored in Cloud Firestore

  • 3️⃣ Perform simple and compound queries in Cloud Firestore

  • 4️⃣ Building Complexe UI

  • 5️⃣ Shared Preference to keep the user logged in, Create chat room ( with username) & Send message ( by username)

  • 6️⃣ Using Stream & Stream builder





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