26 supporters
Guess who's back? ôヮô

Guess who's back? ôヮô

Apr 14, 2023

Hi there!

I promised my supporters to be supplied with constant uwu pics and I am not backing out of my promises. (I hereby humbly apologize for the slight delay)

It's been a while since I posted stuff. Life's been busy and really great.

Now I finally have my own spacious Spacebase I can feel safe and evolve in. 😃😃

(Pics of said base soon™)

So get ready for more frequent posts in the near future as I get more relaxed in my new home.

For starters please have these random assorted images from last year. 🤗

And as always: If you love my stuff my gratefulness to you would be out of this world if you support me with buying a cup of tea or two~ 😇🥳😽

Much 💜,

Lucy (⌒_⌒)

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