I recently landed on #bluecollartok and I am dying from laughter. These guys (and gals) are funny! If you don’t already follow me on TikTok , you probably should! Well, at least for the next month until it’s banned. T-minus 31 days- but who’s counting. 🤫 I’m having work done on the house, like a huge project, and the mom in me was gettin’ real concerned about how the construction crew...
Blue Guys + Yellow Gatorade
Dec 20, 2024
44 Aufrufe
If you would’ve told me ten years ago- even five years ago- that the words “chickens” and “death threats” would be coming out of my mouth within the same few breaths, while simultaneously taking applications for my third husband, I would’ve called you crazy. Much like my life. And you know, I haven’t written about any of it in quite some time, but maybe it’s time to start- start te...
Chickens + Death Threats
Dec 09, 2024
31 Aufrufe