Sally Lotz
3 sostenitori
Easy Side Hustle Writing Children's Book ...

Easy Side Hustle Writing Children's Books

Jun 06, 2022

Or, How To Anger a Bunch of Writers.

I recently came across a TikTok video that got me angry. Very angry. Typically I scroll through my feed, laughing and dancing along. I don’t follow anyone that does dumb pranks or has angry rants. I’m on TikTok for a mental break, to find something I relate to, or learn a new dance move.

Reading is fun. From Canva

But this day…I stumbled upon a dude named Tenny Hainsworth. His topic that got me so pissed off?

EASY Side Hustle Writing Children’s Books.

As a writer, one who writes primarily for children I took great offense to my passion being considered a Side Hustle. It is like a slap in the face for all of the hard work, I’ve done. EASY. He obviously had no clue.

It’s EASY like me deciding I want to be an Olympic swimmer.

The illustrations in children’s books is also ART. From Canva

Side hustle seems a little slimy to me. Like my side hustle is I’m a stripper? Sorry, nothing against professional dancers.

He proceeds to tell the view how to go to Amazon, then Kindle books and write a story that will sell for $5.00 each. Oh, and BONUS points if it rhymes. Rule number one in writing for kids — do no RHYME before it’s time. At this point, my blood is boiling. Who does this amateur think he is? He’s side hustling crap, when there are serious writers like me who want a book deal to get our words in front of children.

I’ve been writing for a long time and to date have made under $1000.00 dollars with my writing. Now, if there is a side hustle involved here, I don’t know about it. I’ve been to conferences, workshops, participated in pitch contests, brainstormed with other writers. It’s hard. It a life full of rejection.

Tenny has it all wrong. Apparently, by the comments, he has angered a lot of writers.

With a book you can go places. From Canva.

The steps he pedals, are not as easy as he makes it seem.

Some of the comments.

This s pretty insulting to writers who work super hard…”

“And this is why it’s hard to make money at self-publishing…because people read self-published books like Tenny’s and think self-published books are all crap, which isn’t true. Tenny’s book may be crap…”

“I’ve always wanted to publish stories. Thanks for your help.” Which was then followed by a flurry of writers telling commenter to invest in some writing classes and conferences and learn more about writing.

“The art is more than $5.00 like Tenny says. Good artwork on Amazon for an entire book starts at 2500.00 plus consulting fees.”

I had to stop reading. It was too much.

From Canva

Don’t be a Tenny.

If you want to write, learn the craft. Make writing friends. Attend workshops.

Writing is hard. If it was easy everyone would do it. Our kids don’t need more crap to read, they need to read things that will make them want to change the world.

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