Re- Birth Time 2022

Re- Birth Time 2022

Dec 27, 2021

It is REBIRTH time in 2022

We are letting go of the old the old ways of thinking and being the old paradigm.

Do not hold onto the old so tighly, the ego loves to hold onto the familair it is the way it tries to keep you safe but it is just a safety comfort zone of habit and patterning and programming. The ego is not the real soul or spirit of you that knows you are always supported in the universe and have been a time traveller through eons of time.

That is why we are seeing chaos in the world, everything that does not work is being cleansed and it may feel uncomrfortable at this time but if you understand the bigger lesson then all will become clearer in time but we also may need some patience to understand the true and full picture emerging.

The ego may fight to hold on to the old, there is a grief process of sorts and it is OK .. as we transitioned out of things and away from people as well maybe these maybe friends you have known for a while or even family members. It is not to say they will not come back around at some point in the future but sometimes we all need space to process internally and externally the patterns of our ancestors and the energies that are in the collective currently.

You did not come here to be like anyone else and you might feel as though you do not fit in the world at the moment and that is ok, you were trying to fit yourself into an old paradigm that is not you that is all.

As a child you had to perhaps stuff down your feelings just to survive you might have become a people pleaser and as an adult you tried to shake that off or even now. You will

Other people might not get you so they try or tried to keep you small, maybe jealous of your gifts.

But No more it is now the time to shine.

This is the time of the Phoenix rising, even though you might have felt like part of you is dying when you shed a skin and let go of the old you reivent yourself to start something new.

A great window of opportunity at the moment to really shift into a conscious of forgiveness, letting go and love ..I feel that this is a big karmic time for lots of us to clear some of the lessons of the past from a higher consciousness.... all of us to be in the watcher state with with how we think and act and what what we feel and say to people. If you catch yourself going back to old fears just stop...breathe and recognise you are just releasing an old pattern....thank your mind for showing you this and then focus on what you want to bring forward next year.

Often people can put you into a slot or a category there is nothing more exciting tha picking yourself up and re-imagining your future !

Energetically we have been pushed down but what if this was all meant to be to get you off a wrong path and to reconnect you with your true authentic self.

This is the time to speak something into existence , state your dreams , state your wishes

Between now and the end of January really reflect on why you are really here and what you want going forward..

It is not about anyone else it is about who you are

You ARE unique there is no one like you !

Change the genetic programming and let go of the stories

Let you imagine a bigger or better path available to you

Journal and discover

My book will help you as an aid and prompt.

Then my book club and coaching starts at the end of January 2022

It will be a collaborative group I feel.

Love S x

Coach Ex teacher /Author of the Book "

"Remember Who You Truly Are.... "

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