New Release Woes

Apr 29, 2022

I have a new book releasing in the morning. (Picking Pears with Piper - an incredibly sweet story about a single mom who learns to trust, and love, again.) I always feel a little bit... up and down around releases. There are so many emotions involved with writing, editing, and publishing books. I sit on the edge of my seat waiting for those early reviews. I get so excited because I'm actually doing it and then I get so worried because what if I'm doing it all wrong?!

My email client froze my account this week. 1900 subscribers and they froze my account. Now, I can appreciate email security and trying to prevent spam... but I'm not a spammer! I'm a real author, with real book news, and a new book to share.

I won't get to share the release tomorrow with my newsletter subscribers and I am bummed. My list is always happy to hear about new releases and I think this might make for a slower-than-usual launch. But I keep telling myself that being a career author isn't all about the launch. There's a lot more to it and the books I write will be available my whole lifetime and then some.

I'll get the email snafu sorted out, and I'll be able to tell everyone about the new book then. In the meantime, I'll just start writing the next story. ;)

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