Church Today

Apr 25, 2022

It's funny and embarrassing to me that sometimes the very thing that God called me can be the very thing I put between Him and I. Let me back up a little bit, you'll understand soon.

My three not-so-littles have been delighted to be back to in-person church. My word this year is discipline and one of the things for me was committing to attending in person church every week that we were well. (We got sick the first three weeks of the year, isn't that silly?)

I'm racing the clock to get my newest book ready to release and to be honest, I need every second in front of the computer that I can manage. So I was going to skip in person church, but I saw the disappointment in their eyes and decided to just make it happen.

Funny how I was so sure I was going to church for them. The message today blessed me deeply, and the Holy Spirit, in His gentle way, reminded me that God called me to write these words. I cannot put them between Him and I. They cannot become an idol in my life.

That's all I have tonight.

Until next time,

P.S. - I never, ever want to be up against this tight of a deadline again. Whew. This one has been a challenge. More on that later, though.

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