Become a member
Help us keep the lights on and the pod hosted!
10% off all Store items
Unlock exclusive posts and messages
Early Access to Waivers and Start Sit posts
Positional Coach
Rep the Pod with a T-Shirt, SnapBack, Seasonal Logsleeve, Tank Top, Tote or Baby Vest!
Discounts on all Store Items!
Unlock exclusive posts and messages
Early access to waivers, starts and sits every week
Monthly members will be sent their merch after month 10.
Offensive Co-ordinator
Rep the Pod with a Hoodie or Sweatshirt!
Discounts on all Store Items!
Shout out for new members
Unlock exclusive posts and messages
Early access to waivers, starts and sits every week
"Fix your lineup" once in season (Review on the Pod)
Monthly members will be sent their T-shirt after month 10.
Rep the Pod with a Rugby with Pads Premium Hoodie or Sweatshirt....
...AND one of our T-Shirt, SnapBack, Seasonal Logsleeve, Tank Top, Tote or Baby Vest!
...or any two of the tier 2 store items!
Discounts on all Store Items!
Shout out for new members
Unlock exclusive posts and messages
Early access to waivers, starts and sits every week
"Fix your lineup" twice in season (Review on the Pod)
Monthly members will be sent their merch after month 10.
Angel Investor (The Full Monty)
Rep the Pod with a Rugby with Pads Complete Bundle
Discounts on all Store Items!
Support me on a monthly basis
Shout out for new members and weekly thanks!
Set my Lineups every week!
Unlock exclusive posts and messages
Early access to waivers, starts and sits every week
"Fix your lineup" five times in season (Review on the Pod)
Draft Strategy Workshop (on the pod)
Monthly members will be sent their merch after month 10.
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