Affirmation for today what’s in your han ...

Affirmation for today what’s in your hands

Apr 10, 2024

Affirmation: "I affirm that God has bestowed upon me a pair of capable hands and a divine vision. I release any worries about the future, knowing that dwelling on uncertainties only hinders my progress. Instead, I choose to focus on the present and utilize the gifts and resources that God has already placed in my hands. With each step I take, God guides me and unveils the path before me. As I trust in His provision, I am reminded of Proverbs 16:9, 'In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.' I embrace the opportunities that surround me, knowing that God's guidance and wisdom will illuminate my way. I am empowered to make a difference and fulfill the purpose that God has designed specifically for me. Today, I commit to using the gifts, talents, and resources in my hands to bring glory to His name and impact the world around me positively."

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