Affirmation for To

Affirmation for To

Apr 25, 2024


"I affirm that in this life, I understand that man should not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. I firmly believe that God is my ultimate source of guidance, provision, and protection, especially in such a time as this. With unwavering faith, I declare that I am equipped to stand firm against all evil plots and schemes that may arise against me. I draw courage from the verses of the Holy Scriptures and combine them with purposeful action, knowing that with God on my side, I am more than a conqueror. I am filled with divine wisdom, discernment, and strength to overcome every obstacle that comes my way. I trust in the power of God's word and His divine presence, which sustains me through every challenge and leads me to triumph. I am resilient, empowered, and steadfast, knowing that God's unfailing love and grace surround me always. This is my affirmation, and I walk in faith, peace, and victory. Amen."

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