From the Desk of Roanna #97

From the Desk of Roanna #97

Oct 15, 2022

Dear friend,


I’ve let this Full Moon in Aries message sit, a bit. 6 whole days, to be precise!!!!

This Full Moon occurred close to October 10, marked internationally as Mental Health Day, and that felt significant. Jupiter is currently in Aries, and I trust it was the luminary I spotted in the sky, remarkably bright, very close to the Moon, the other night when I stepped outside to moon-gaze.

Jupiter in the Realm of Astrology is a planet that magnifies and expands. Concerning my natal placements (Jupiter rules my Seventh House which is in the sign of Pisces), this translates to Jupiter expanding on wisdoms, lessons and truths coming up for me within the ‘relational’ sector. As a planet considered benefic in nature, I take this to mean that working with Jupiter feels like working with a Favourite-Teacher-like archetype - someone that supports your growth for the better, hard as a Transit might potentially appear or be. There’s a reason. You understand that, and you begin to seek meaning. There is a young masculine energy about this planet (Roseology on YouTube brought this wisdom to me), and in its Transit through Aries - the First House, Jupiter asks us, the Individual, to now integrate after all that’s passed.

Sum of all Parts. Shadows. Truth. Justice. The Emperor. Karma (with a focus on your actions, specifically).

Moon message!!!!

There is much to be said of structures (ecosystems/‘Honeycomb Hives’) that help us ‘be’ as opposed to programming and systems that seek to infiltrate and invade our privacy (and supreme sovereignty, mostly) and make of us - unquestioning clones - ones who believe unbridled power can never be tasked and must always be upheld. The Aries energy I speak to is no longer the ‘Silent, steadfast Emperor’ in this Time but more ‘Warrior with a Heart, with Hearth, with a Cœus*.’

*Cœus - I fused the words cause (English) and cœur (French).

Muting our pain doesn’t make it go away.

When you have little or no context, it is easy to believe that everyone else is visibly ‘winning’ when you’re in the throes of a low spell. (Can attest. Calling myself out.)

• The Aries and Libra energies in the sky, this time around, seemed to come as a unit, fortifiably so, reminding us of our formidability when we come bearing our whole selves: ‘Look me in the eye, and meet me as an equal.’

• Now is the time to tap into the greatest reverence you can muster and master... For yourself, for others, and for the World around you that shifts and (re)forms as we speak.

♎ ☁

This Libra energy is unlike what I ever perceived or understood before... The Sign, the House, the motifs (The Scales, especially), all of it. ☺ The energies in the Sky seem suggestive, I feel myself looking to that ‘Dark Divine Feminine’ archetype. Lilith vibes. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. A Change in the Air around. Revolutionary energies ... a trade of traits, making way for a shift ... Dark Mother Rising.

And a final message -


P.S. Take the mic!!!! 🗣️



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