From the Desk of Roanna #96

From the Desk of Roanna #96

Sep 30, 2022

Dear friend,

! !! !!! !

Today is Day 30 of a challenge I set myself up for... Is that right, grammatically? I had trouble with the sentence construction. I decided to write every day on this space I inhabit on Buy me a coffee for September, & it has been a Blessing and Gift ☕ ✍🏽

Themes-wise, I didn’t think to create a list to refer to. At the same time, part of me worried I might veer in the direction of my ‘usual’ documenting-for-the-sake-of-documenting style without talking about anything of consequence.

This exercise felt like ‘Flow State’ for me. I let my Heart do the steering as I committed pen to paper. The essays that poured out of me, had a rhythm of their own... Deep truths and slowly formed wisdoms felt safe to break the etheric wall (veil?) through this very ‘public’ style of intimate journalling.

What I meant before about documenting in a careless style is that I tend to share, sometimes, without rhyme or reason. Whenever I have posted stuff, it hasn’t consistently come from the most authentic space within*. I am not inferring that everything has to be well-crafted or thought-out. I mean... What are the reasons for said sharing? Am I feeling some type of way? Am I low on reserves and looking for energetic attention or validation? Context is key, innit? Nuance (my new favourite word!!), but of course.

*This is not a one-off thing or something I am no more suscept to; it bases itself on the shifting seasons and temperaments in and around me.

What I am thankful for, is that during September and Virgo season, I felt confident and secure, innately (instinctually?), to be True to myself and expression. I wrote about things that excite me, inspire me, have worked for me, have taken care of me and have seen me through. The topics I mostly covered spanned astrology, the Lunar phases, my craft, mental health, self-care, (healthy) habits, rituals, journalling, being a ‘young adult’ and such and such.

So... What am I trying to say? 🤪

• Well, for one, I wanna say ‘Thanks!!’ to myself for choosing to do this, and committing, so brilliantly. It feels good.

• Usually, at the end of great things like reading a wonderful book or completing watching an interesting series or your dream holiday coming to a close, we feel so much. We anticipate that ending, that return to Life, from a dejected stance.

• These challenges and exercises, on the other hand, make me feel pleased. Yes, ticking things off my list thrills me but it is so much more than that. It is a reminder of what it took to come into this self. To be me. To appreciate me. To restrict and limit myself no longer.

• I loved being able to articulate my truths and share wisdoms even if I was vague on the personal anecdotes that brought on those revelations. Writing in this manner is yet new and wondrous to me. I felt revived, restored, partaking in it with such gusto.

• So many of us define ourselves through the lens of our emotions, feelings, experiences and so forth. From that point of view, it is easy for us to ‘see’ ourselves S O L E L Y through those adjectives, descriptors and labels. When we use our words, I think it is imperative on many levels to consider what these stories are, regularly (& retrospectively), that we are telling and how we ‘tell’ them. Not to bend the truth, but at the same time, not to endanger ourselves either in exposing our innermost intricacies.

• I love being in communion and connection with others, and I’ve learned to keep what is sacred for myself. There are energies who won’t understand, and if you recognise that, know your environment, and trust the Reveal.

• I am all for being who you came here to be. Feeling like your growth and experience are controlled by forces outside of you, prohibiting and/or possibly limiting your expansion is the worst!!!! But... Know that on a connected hand, it is part of your mission to safeguard your frontiers. I wish everyone the discernment to know what seeks to take from you, as opposed to wishing to join you in True spirit.

Thank you for reading!!!!!!! 🎃

Speak to you soooon,


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