A Silver Album is the lowest selling album tier in the music industry. If you're album has "gone silver", you've shipped, sold, or streamed at least 60,000 units. If you're looking for the lowest monthly membership, this one is for you!
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Gold Album Level
If your album goes gold, you are one step above silver and one step below platinum! A gold album is an album that's sold, shipped, or streamed at least 500,000 units!
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If your album makes platinum, boy you aren't fooling around in the music industry! A platinum album equates to at least 1 million sales, streams, or shippings!
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Holy Cow!! Multi-Platinum?? Where's my pony?! If an artist goes multi-platinum, they've had to have sold now over 2million copies of their album! It doesn't get much better than this.....or does it??
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A Diamond Album is the BEST * OF * THE * BEST! You won't go Diamond Status unless you sell over 10 Million copies! Garth Brooks just so happens to be the artist with the most diamond albums. Others with three or more diamond albums include The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Shania Twain & The Eagles!