James Somers
9 sostenitori
Work Continues!

Work Continues!

Jan 16, 2021

How do you do, fellow kids?

How's it going? Jamesville is doing pretty alright today! I held a vote in the KrakenSec discord yesterday concerning the release date of the Free Security+ Project (henceforth FSP). Essentially:

v.05: An incomplete release, as soon as the first stage is done. Full 'skeleton' with some fully complete sections. A skeleton is an outlined section, meant to be used as a springboard for me to add additional content, details, and resources. Further announcements with the full v1 completion of each section thereafter. Some sections are already v1 complete.


v1: A complete guide, released later than planned but as soon as it is done, it could take a few extra weeks to complete.

In what I considered to be an upset, v1 won, 11-1. So, I'll continue my diligent work on it, but it might come out a few weeks later. It's taking me longer to do some of these sections (a lot of them) than I had originally planned.

Meanwhile my other studies continue and I've implemented a TryHackMe (THM) program in the KrakenSec discord, which consists of several of us going for 100 day of THM, consecutively! I just hit day 8 and decided to start doing writeups, so I'm going to start sharing those as well!

Here are the first two, for VIP THM rooms Network Services and Network Services 2:

1: https://coderon.in/Network-Services-5e9be11e64d14916978960e1916af4df

2: https://coderon.in/Network-Services-2-8c0f6521bbb140e89525e9e82f892dbb

I'll be playing around with the formats so you'll be seeing that change but I hope it's something you guys can make use of! If you're not already, you should consider joining the THM group in the discord. You don't need to be at the same day count as us but it's great as even just an accountability buddy group! We check in after we've finished our THMs for the day. You can even just do 1 question per day, though I recommend 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening due to how the timer works for the consecutive days.

Anyway, getting way off topic now. I appreciate y'all hanging in there while I work on stuff and things.



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