Why choose only the best impact windows ...

Why choose only the best impact windows in Miami?

Jul 06, 2023

Impact windows are also known as hurricane windows. The specially designed impact windows in Miami are professionally designed and built to withstand high winds, flying debris, and the impact of severe weather conditions like hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. Such windows are typically made of laminated glass, which consists of two or more layers of glass with a durable interlayer in between. Top impact windows in Miami interlayer are usually made of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) or ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA). This design holds the glass together and prevents it from shattering into sharp and dangerous pieces.

Why do people install impact windows in Miami? 

The construction of impact windows in Miami follows the local construction codes. These strict criteria make them highly resistant to breakage from solid forces. Hence, if the glass cracks upon impact, it remains intact due to the interlayer, maintaining the integrity of the window and preventing the entry of wind, rain, and debris into the building.

Other reasons for the popularity of such installations are - 

  • Impact windows are designed and tested to withstand the impact of flying debris during hurricanes or tropical storms. 

  • The high-end design of these products provides a protective barrier against high winds, preventing the entry of wind, water, and damaging debris into your home. This protection can significantly reduce the risk of property damage and personal injury.

  • Similarly, the best-quality windows break-ins and forced entry attempts. 

  • Impact windows are built with laminated glass, it makes it difficult for intruders to penetrate. This added security can provide peace of mind and improve the overall safety of your home.

  • The laminated glass of the top impact windows in Miami helps to dampen external noise, such as traffic, etc. It is instrumental in creating a quieter and more peaceful indoor environment. 

  • Further, such windows often have a special coating that blocks harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from entering your home. UV rays can fade furniture, flooring, artwork, and other valuable items over time. By reducing UV penetration, impact windows help preserve the aesthetics and longevity of your interior furnishings.

  • Professional installation of such windows helps to minimize air leakage and maintain a more stable indoor temperature. This can reduce the workload on your internal cooling system, leading to lower energy consumption, etc.

Read More:- Why install only the best impact windows in Miami?

  • These windows are seen as a proactive measure to protect the property against hurricane damage, which can result in reduced insurance premiums.

  • Installing premium-quality impact windows can enhance the value of your property. Potential buyers may see them as a valuable feature, particularly in areas with a history of severe weather. 

  • Impact windows also demonstrate that the home is well-prepared for storms and can provide added peace of mind to homeowners. However, it is essential to research and chooses reputable manufacturers/installers and ensures compliance with local regulations when considering impact window installation.

  • In hot weather, impact windows can minimize solar heat gain, keeping your home cooler and reducing the reliance on air conditioning. Similarly, on cold days, impact windows can help retain heat indoors, resulting in energy savings and a more comfortable living environment.

  • By preserving the colors and quality of your interior decor, impact windows help maintain the aesthetic appeal of your home for more extended periods. The windows are engineered to withstand the sun's rays without deteriorating or losing their protective properties over time. 

Now that you have a better understanding on the importance of having impact windows, contact your local experts so they can provide you with a consultation and estimate on your project.

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