About Robert Brunhage
Creating Flutter videos, blogs posts and much more!
App and Web developer that loves teaching.
Currently enhancing Robertbrunhage.com which hosts all my videos in a written form and much more!
My goal is to make your development journey easier and more enjoyable. By teaching things like architecture, design and everything in between to make you an efficient developer!
Check out these:
YouTube: youtube.com/c/robertbrunhage
GitHub: github.com/RobertBrunhage
Twitter: twitter.com/RobertBrunhage
Recent supporters

Trevor Roberts is now a member.
Thank you

Developer bought a pizza.

Chloe bought a pizza.

EspenEvensen bought 3 pizzas.
Great video, Robert! Keep up the good work. Your videos are impressive, very informative and easy to follow. I like the format. Real quality. Thank you. All the best, Espen