The Sun In My Stomach - Featuring The Pa ...

The Sun In My Stomach - Featuring The Painted Fool

Nov 18, 2020

Side A - The Sun In My Stomach. A beautiful poem by The Painted Fool, a story about of love, guidance and finding yourself through the lens of Gods. Side B - This is a journey of finding yourself, not being afraid anymore and taking charge of your life, being who you want to be, having the courage to making changes in your life even if people don't recognise you anymore. Listen to The Painted Fool talk about his journey of finding himself and how he handled the changes in his life. It is a tough thing to go through in life, but sometimes we ultimately know what is best for us. The Painted Fool has multiple talents which can be found through his website - The Painted Fool You can also find him on IG and his YouTube channel - The Painted Fool's Paint House 

As always, you can follow me on IG, Twitter and Facebook - RichiePresents.  Don't forget to subscribe and share. Enjoy!!!

If you would like to do a feature on the Podcast or have any queries, please get in touch - [email protected] 

Music by - Sode A, Tower Beatz - Side B, Prod. Dior

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