Public update on my Settings and bots

Public update on my Settings and bots

Oct 14, 2021

These are my real stats from 1st August 2021 on TA settings 2.5 with a 75k Bankroll.
Decent Bankroll is needed, its safe, but need more funds and ROI is not as great, if you didn't read the main post, is what you need.

Also if you are not on the Trade Alts discord already, learn to use discord, its so much easier to find stuff related to trading bots, we have the FAQ channel there and you can use the discord search to help find questions you cannot find if you are on telegram only There's also more people in the discord.

Just a quick update on my portfolio, managed to get my risks down to from 200% to 180% as mentioned a few days ago to my supporters, by disabling a few bots and letting them close by itself, so not forcefully closing them at market price. Took 2-3 days wait.

MATIC still won't close yet, but I think I want to keep either MATIC or HBAR reactivated again and stay in the 180% range, as even at 200% I think it would be fine on any small dip/correction.

After HBAR closed, I looked at the daily ROI profit figures based on bankroll required and the percentages were decent, I only took precautions because I've seen HBAR get stuck for me for ages in the past.. twice it got stuck for very long periods of over a month, even though the project seems sounds, has big corporation backing, it has a hard time recovering in the past.

Make your own decision, I am tempted to restart HBAR in the future and swap it for another poor performer. I'm not too fussed about WRX and ONT, they weren't really coins I really wanted in my portfolio and just mainly for performance and collecting BUSD to build my bankroll. They did an ok job but I knew the ROI would be similar and lowish as it has done in the past few months. Again the coins I de-risked, are not really bad coins, and can run in bots ok. 70% of my portfolio I think are coins based purely on decent charts and good ROI, not coins I'm very happy to keep.

BUSD is still my main coin I use to trade against because there's no fees! so I'm making 1.35% roughly per profit instead of 1.25% due to 3commas applying a fixed fee of 0.1% but we don't pay the fee hence why our history shows better profits. This should hopefully be obvious for new members that have read the FAQ in discord, otherwise go back to read everything in the FAQ channel! Its free compiled info which took me hours to make!

Red bags wise, hardly seen my ADR go up much, in the last 5 days, it went as high as something like 2.4k, its currently at $287.96 which is extremely low! So14k profit and ADR of 2.5k? Even since August, I don't remember my ADR ever going over 3k at a guess. I'm taking that any day over riskier bots, but the cons are it really only works if you have the Bank Roll to do this. Bots even on these settings do get stuck! They do fill up safety orders, and sometimes the worst ones can take up to 27 days to close (this is the longest so far for me since restarting the stats from 1st August. Current funds locked in DCA is $13797.40 So bots do need the money and I've assigned about 30k to be readily available and put the rest of my BUSD in flexible savings. As there's nothing right now in the launchpad to stake for new coins using my spare BUSD.

I've made a list of coins I want to buy on and big dips, set price alerts for bargain buys on TradingView on the coins I wouldn't mind having, and if my bots are comfortable with the dip and don't run out of funds, I'll have the spare capital for mid-long term hodl.

Back to funds in use, I do have quite a few coins using 6-16 safety orders and here are some screenshots of the some of them, so look how much BUSD is being tied up for the bots, but also look at the current profit/loss percentage just to show why the ADR is low. We are never aiming to be overextended and out of funds. Which obviously will affect our daily ROI profits, but I'm not aiming to blow our money like in MAY when everyone was running 300%+ risks! I also don't want to run a setting that gets multiple red bags (ones that filled loads of safety orders and in big negatives....)

Longest Days Deals Closed 7 days+

Ribsy HNTBUSD (BUSDHNT): deal876147751: Deal completed. Profit: +10.25402500 BUSD (10.25 $) (1.37% from total volume) πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°). #profit 7 day

Ribsy ICPBUSD (BUSDICP): deal778598004: Deal completed. Profit: +56.21243442 BUSD (56.21 $) (1.36% from total volume) πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°). #profit 29 day

Ribsy AAVEBUSD (BUSDAAVE): deal812079588: Deal completed. Profit: +31.87890000 BUSD (31.88 $) (1.37% from total volume) πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°). #profit 17 day

Ribsy BTTBUSD (BUSDBTT): deal813230062: Deal completed. Profit: +20.62192427 BUSD (20.62 $) (1.37% from total volume) πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°). #profit 16 day

Ribsy HBARBUSD (BUSDHBAR): deal814011057: Deal completed. Profit: +45.71934648 BUSD (45.72 $) (1.36% from total volume) πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°). #profit 16 day

Ribsy WRXBUSD (BUSDWRX): deal824114884: Deal completed. Profit: +20.71635440 BUSD (20.72 $) (1.38% from total volume) πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°). #profit 12 day

Ribsy THETABUSD (BUSDTHETA): deal834491803: Deal completed. Profit: +11.67875800 BUSD (11.68 $) (1.36% from total volume) πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°). #profit 8 day

Ribsy ONTBUSD (BUSDONT): deal835061582: Deal completed. Profit: +14.87724138 BUSD (14.88 $) (1.35% from total volume) πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°). #profit 7 day

Ribsy UNIBUSD (BUSDUNI): deal814267129: Deal completed. Profit: +27.06359560 BUSD (27.06 $) (1.37% from total volume) πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°). #profit 10 days

Ribsy LINKBUSD (BUSDLINK): deal812748027: Deal completed. Profit: +27.11871005 BUSD (27.12 $) (1.38% from total volume) πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°). #profit 8 day

Ribsy ONEBUSD (BUSDONE): deal802698814: Deal completed. Profit: +45.70201552 BUSD (45.7 $) (1.36% from total volume) πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°). #profit 11 day

Ribsy COMPBUSD (BUSDCOMP): deal812889273: Deal completed. Profit: +24.46870820 BUSD (24.47 $) (1.35% from total volume) πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°). #profit 8 day

Ribsy RAYBUSD (BUSDRAY): deal802535516: Deal completed. Profit: +42.66985385 BUSD (42.67 $) (1.35% from total volume) πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°). #profit 11 day

Ribsy THETABUSD (BUSDTHETA): deal813113680: Deal completed. Profit: +22.37301910 BUSD (22.37 $) (1.35% from total volume) πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°). #profit 7 day

Ribsy VETBUSD (BUSDVET): deal813175717: Deal completed. Profit: +22.28707000 BUSD (22.29 $) (1.35% from total volume) πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°). #profit 7 day

Stopped all the way back to Sept 23rd, because its too much data, but you can get an idea of how long bots can get stuck for, but when they do profit, its $$$$ to filling safety orders is part of the game, but they need to average down well enough to be worth the wait and worth the extra safety orders being filled.

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