Hey kids,
If you'd like to toss us some change to support Reward Offered in producing new episodes & pursuing our ongoing investigation into the 1974 murders of Lorraine Wilson & Wendy Evans (*and* our associated caffeine requirements), we'd be eternally grateful. (Shoutouts are guaranteed, so pls only leave a name you're happy to have mentioned publicly).
Our 2 main goals at Reward Offered are:
1. To help raise awareness of often lesser-known crimes by offering the most accurate, comprehensive coverage of each case to date; and
2. To find a resolution to Lorraine & Wendy's case.
Catchya on the next dive!
BIG love,
Amanda XX
Recent supporters
Sarah Moore bought a coffee.
Kiwi here! Thoroughly enjoying the podcast. Thank you for all your hard work. Would you consider doing any NZ cases?