Managing the Office after the COVID-19 L ...

Managing the Office after the COVID-19 Lockdowns

Nov 20, 2020

After months of working from home since the Coronavirus pandemic outbreak, companies finally reopened their offices. Inevitably, many tasks and projects are not possible through remote working, so people need to return to the office. With this in mind, commuting and working in an office with many people may seem imaginable. The pandemic instilled so much fear and trauma, and a return to office setup brings discomfort.

As the owner or manager, how do you picture your office after the COVID-19 lockdown? What will it look like? Will it be a productive space that offers productivity and profitability for your company? Here are some things you can ponder to ensure a dynamic and useful return to office setup for you and your employees.

  1. Decide on Using a Room Reservation Software and Booking Desk Software

Perhaps the best tool in ensuring a safe return to office setup is reservation software for your office. The DeskFlex room scheduling software allows for contactless reservation and desk assigning in the office. Additionally, developers programmed it to be compliant with COVID-19 preventive measures. Specially built for offices and schools when they reopen, this tool is a significant game-changer and brings profits as usual.

  1. Social Distancing in the Office

You may have heard of this many times and almost everywhere, but keeping your distance from others is the golden key to preventing virus transmission. This rule applies even in return to the office setup. How do you ensure that your company strictly adheres to this rule?

The DeskFlex booking desk software is a reservation tool that helps companies manage and organize shifts in a shared office space. Additionally, it has a unique feature that adheres to the social distancing rule of staying a certain distance away from other people. Developers designed the software to enable desks and office spaces that are at least two meters or six feet apart from each other.

Room reservation software is also helpful when people use the conference and meeting rooms for special and consequential gatherings. This way, the administration can regulate the group size that uses the rooms and prepare a convenient and safe spacing for them in advance.

  1. Consistent and Thorough Sanitation

The virus is everywhere and invisible. Aside from letting employees use alcohol and sanitizers, thoroughly disinfecting the office is also a must. The DeskFlex room scheduling software not only functions for meeting appointments but also cleaning schedules. With many important things at hand, you tend to forget other necessities for your company, such as scheduling a regular cleaning.

Especially during the pandemic, with many workers using shared spaces in shifts, it is essential to maintain safety by scheduling sanitation in between each reservation. Without proper management for booking desk spaces, people might transmit the virus and other diseases to the next users.

  1. Plan and Reorganize Workflow

Many companies adopted the remote working strategy, and going back to offices during the pandemic is something "new" for everyone. You may plan and reorganize workflow and conduct a company orientation as you return. Working in the "new normal," you may need to use room reservation software. It helps you monitor and regulate conference room usage and meeting room status regarding attendees' maximum capacity these spaces can hold.

Aside from that, you may also pre-assign rooms and spaces to your workers through room scheduling software. You can reduce movement in the office by putting them around people with the same or related tasks together or nearby equipment they usually use to carry out tasks.

  1. Wearing and Checking of Proper Equipment and Body Temperature

Industries and schools alike have high risks in reopening. People will come across many others, and even the smallest conversations may cause virus transmission. All employees must be adequately wearing face masks. Moreover, the administration should also regulate and check body temperature before a person can enter the building. Does this sound hard and time-consuming?

The DeskFlex booking software is the solution through facial biometric information upon entry. It has a doorway interactive TV screen that displays information about the entering individual. If the system does not detect a worn mask, it shows a reminder to wear one before entering the premises. If it detects a raised temperature, the system notifies the management and denies entry, so the person tagged cannot enter the building. Overall, this feature allows companies to establish safety protocols and reduce the risk of transmission.

If you are still planning on returning to the office with your workers, a good plan on ensuring safety is essential. Moreover, if you are already in a back to office setup, your management should consider maintaining everyone's health while working. Although company productivity and return on investments are the main goals in a business, you must also keep an eye on your employees' safety and the people around them.

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