Join hosts James Tuerlings and Patrick Arthur as they go on an argumentative journey through time to discover which ancient games are still worth playing today.
Thank you for supporting us in creating deep dive analyses on classic games of the past! All money raised will go towards covering our hosting costs for the website and RSS feed.
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Travis Boudreaux is now a member.
Hey dudes, love your podcast to pieces. I'm an arborist in the US and have long commutes daily (4+ hours) and I'm always looking for new podcasts or audiobooks or music to fill the time. Retro Spectives is easily the best; you guys have great chemistry and I think you've really nailed the language and formatting for reviewing games in this audio only medium.
I'm stoked every time I see that blue dot on Spotify letting me know a new episode is out. Thief is my favorite franchise of all time and your review was spot on, gave me some new perspective too that I hadn't recognized before. Anyways I'm a huge fan and wanted to thank you for the work you guys put into the show.

Laughlen is now a member.
Hope this helps you have better opinions 💖