Oh my!!! It's here!

Oh my!!! It's here!

May 13, 2022

THE MEGA65 HAS ARRIVED! Those are the words uttered around the house today and even the Lovely Accountant is excited for me. To share my news, I posted the tweet below...

…and the following on the MEGA65 Discord:

Super excited to officially announce my MEGA65 unboxing live stream. It's going to a long session with "the friendliest YouTube chat room on the planet at that time." Come join and bring questions. I'm sure we'll have a few developers on hand who can fill in my knowledge gaps. Hoping many of you can join as we celebrate the MEGA65 unboxing weekend, retroCombs style!


Hit that link (↑) to set up a reminder.


I'm sending all of my fabulous producers, members, and supporters this BMAC post to ask you to help spread the word and personally invite you. It will be a fun Saturday afternoon (at least in my neck of the woods) as I unbox the MEGA65 and answer questions. I'd love to see you, those who continue to support me on a regular basis, pop in and say, "hello." Even if you can only stay for a bit, drop into chat and let me know you stopped by.

The plan is to:

  • tell my MEGA65 journey

  • unbox the MEGA65

  • open it up to prepare for first use

  • compare it against the DevKit

  • give a few tips and tricks

Even the Nexys4 will make an appearance to complete the MEGA65 cycle! I'm telling you, you don't want to miss it. There may be an edit of this one down the road but members will alway have access to the full live stream. Thanks for being a retroCombs supporter!

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