Shop Blog: Hey, I'm Ren

Shop Blog: Hey, I'm Ren

Aug 07, 2022

Hi all, I'm Ren, I run Queer Little Shop. 

I am a nonbinary bisexual parent, writer, creator, artist and tired person. Not always in that order. I've several mental health illnesses, diabetes type 2, dodgy joints and long covid. 

I'm a Welsh Coventry kid, I've lived in Wales since I was ten years old. My grandad was Welsh, my kids are Welsh. I have two of them - age 2 and 6. I talk about them on my family Instagram

I was primarily a writer until I started creating designs a few years ago and until recently would not consider myself an artist. And maybe I'm not, I'm still learning. I bought a second hand iPad pro last year, and an apple pencil, and have been drawing a lot and learning a lot. 

I'm unapologetically queer. I create mostly pride-themed art, queer art, and more recently cute stuff. 

I would like to create videos, perhaps a vlog, but that's not easy with my anxiety and my kids. I don't work like some of the other artists on youtube, with well-organised studio or anything. I have a chaotic office that has lego in it. I don't sit down to draw and create in there - I use the workspace to make my stuff, badges, stickers, etc. All the drawing I do on the fly - sitting with my toddler while she's getting to sleep, sitting in the park while they're on the swings, watching tv, on the bus. I'm not a fall-time artist but I would like to be.

More importantly, I want to open a queer shop and social space in my home town to support and serve the queer community in my county. 

I hope you enjoy my art, sign up, and get some cool stuff in the process of supporting a queer anxious creator. 

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