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Friend of Renewed Mindsets


Your monthly support of $2 will help keep God's message flowing into the Podverse.
I'll also be your friend, forever!

  • Get your name listed as a Friend of Renewed Mindsets on our website.



Membership at $5/mo rewards you with
- Your name listed as a Friend of the Show, on our website.
- Me, being your friend, forever.                 

  • Shout out for new members

  • Renewed Mindsets Vinyl Sticker.

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Myrrh Supporter


As a Myrrh Supporter, you are helping the show really take off. Your benefits include those of the previous levels, plus a free Renewed Mindsets Coffee Cup!

  • Exclusive Renewed Mindsets Coffee Cup!

Frankincense Supporter


As a Frankincense Supporter, you are helping the show explode. Your benefits include those of the previous levels, plus a free Renewed Mindsets Stainless Tumbler.

  • Support me on a monthly basis

  • Renewed Mindsets Stainless Tumbler

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Gold Supporter

Limited (3 of 3 remaining)

As a Gold Supporter, you are an integral part of the show. Your benefits include those of the previous levels, plus a free Renewed Mindsets We Put God in Podcast Teeshirt.

  • Renewed Mindsets WE PUT GOD IN PODCAST teeshirt.

  • Get mentioned as ASSOCIATE PRODUCER at the end of every episode, if you pledge a year upfront.

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Gabriel Supporter

Limited (1 of 1 remaining)

As a Gabriel Supporter, you are INSTRUMENTAL to the life of the show. Your benefits include those of the previous levels, plus a free Renewed Mindsets Ball Cap.

  • Renewed Mindsets Ball Cap

  • Be recognized at the Official Messenger of the show, by pledging a year upfront. Limited to 1

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Michael Supporter

Limited (1 of 1 remaining)

As a Gabriel Supporter, the show can't go on without you... kind of.  Your benefits include those of the previous levels, plus a free Renewed Mindsets Hoodie. 

  • Renewed Mindsets Hoodie

  • Be recognized as the Executive Producer General of the show, by pledging a year upfront. Limited to 1

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