Mural for Jennie Reed Elementary

Mural for Jennie Reed Elementary

Jan 21, 2021

A bucket list item for me on my journey as an artist is to paint a mural so I put it on my list of goals for 2021. In one of those moments of “speak it to the universe and the universe will make it happen” an opportunity came along for me to be part of an amazing school makeover project and create a mural on a GINORMOUS wall at Jennie Reed Elementary School in Tacoma, WA. What’s so special about Jennie Reed Elementary School? For starters, they currently have 400 students of which 85% are on free and reduced lunch. They have the largest autism program, with the most students, in Tacoma. They have served 500 people during the crisis peak with their foodbank and resource center. Their community is divided by the freeway and have the highest number of apartments. Their steady and consistent staff has received Tacoma's School Recognition Award two years in a row! It’s a much-deserved place of learning and I am so excited to have a small part of this makeover project! I can’t wait to add some color and whimsy to a ridiculously large wall.



I recently learned of the app “Buy Me a Coffee” and thought it would be an interesting way to share my process.  Many of my supplies have been generously donated by Sherwin Williams, but there are always costs. If you would like to help support my effort, please consider “Buying me a coffee” 😊

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