Breeding licences for border collies wor ...

Breeding licences for border collies worldwide

Mar 18, 2023

Did you know that each country has its own rules? Some countries have very hard conditions for a dog to become a breeding dog, some have no conditions at all. As there is a continuous discussion about breeding conditions in Czechia, I found it quite interesting to sum up also conditions from other countries. Hope it helps you when deciding from where to import your next puppy or go for stud dog:)



Dogs need to be tested for breeding, but there are no limitation for breeding licence, no körung.

Required testing without restrictions: HD, Eye testing (PRA, PLA (Gonioscopy), DNA tests (CEA, NCL, TNS, GGD (Gonio), SN, IGS, MDR1

Recommended, but not must: DNA test - Raine's syndrome and check inbreeding calculators for each mating.

Nice system for motivating breeders to health check their dogs.



No körung, no health tests like HD, ED, OCD or DNA tests.



There are two clubs (both FCI), for both you need at least HD C, eyes (PRA), körung, then:

BCCCZ club: plus ED (at least 2/2), OCD (can be both clear and affected, but needs to be screened) and DNA profile, HD can be also OFA Borderline

Currently, there is ongoing discussion about körung, because you can easily not pass due to the "multiplication of exterior faults". This is evaluated subjectively by one judge. The exterior is marked by letters. For each letter, a dog can get 0-3 mark. Multiplication for not passing is following:

  • 3x fault with mark 3

  • 2x fault with mark 3 and 2x fault with mark 2

  • 1x fault with mark 3 and 4x fault with mark 2

KCHMPP club: plus at least one VG from club dog show

Females can breed till 8 years, one litter per calendar year. Number of litters limited only for BCCCZ (max 6 litters).



HD only A and B from Bern Vet University are accepted, plus evaluation below the UK mean for HD (last 15y mean is 11,4 BVA score), OCD, ECVO Eye test (PRA, etc., min. Age of 18 Months, Genetic test for CEA and others if not free by parentage).

Körung with two parts:

- Character test (passed, failed, postponed - only for young dogs), induing shooting.

- Exterior evaluation (passed, failed, postponed - only for young dogs)

Dog has to pass the first part (Exterieur) to be allowed to do second part (character test).

Blue eyes and more white colour is ok.

Not tolerated: more than 4 teeth missing, anxiety, aggression, loud sound intolerance (shooting).

Females can breed till 8 years, three litters per 2 calendar years. Number of litters limited for max 5 litters.



At least HD C, ED (at least 2/2), OCD (can be both clear and affected, but needs to be screened) and eyes (PRA).

Plus one of those two ways:

  • Good mark from special/club show plus körung.

  • Körung only. This variant only available for farm owners.

One tooth can be missing (P1, P2, M3).



Female has to have 3 at least very good marks (or good mark, if the dog has working certificate). 2 from national shows, one from International/club/special show.

Male has to have 3 at least excellent marks (or very good mark from working class) 2 from national shows, one from International/club/special show.

No körung, no health tests like HD, ED, OCD or DNA tests were needed till now. But starting with 2024, new breeding dogs need HD result (A,B or C). Also starting during year 2023, DNA profil will be needed.

But from covid there is another option - to do a "breeding review"

This breeding reviews are small events in every region few times a year I think, then arrives judge who can judge a lot of FCI groups. And makes a description and only passed/failed opinion

Females can breed till 8 years, number of litters not limited, but females can have only one litter in calendar year.



There are a few ways, how to get breeding licence. For each you need HD A or B, Eyes (PRA), DNA CEA per blood. Then:

  • marks from dog show plus körung, where you get

    • 1. class if: no missing teeth, correct bite, 2x excellent from dog show, HD A

    • 2. class if: 1-3 missing teeth, pincer bite, 2x very good from dog show, HD B

  • or when you do herding - herding test HWT (or Trial 1-3) plus ZTP

  • or when you do sport - proof of 3 x V in Agility A3 or Obedience OB3 within 12 months plus ZTP

The Breeding Fitness Test/Sp (ZTP/SP), under the aspect of the valid standard, is carried out by the Breeding Judges Committee (three-member panel) of the CfBrH. The admission may include restrictions and conditions. There is no right to be admitted to breeding. The pedigrees of ZTP offspring will be marked accordingly. (Triple licensing fees, appointments of the Breeding Judges Committee possibly twice a year).



In case of regular "brown pedigree" no körung, no health tests like HD, ED, OCD or DNA tests.

To have a select pedigree of pink color you need to have:

  • HD A or B, ED 0/0, eye examination, at least very good from dog show and HWT for at least 60 points



Official HD statement with limit value C. But HD C is possible to breed only with HD A. Official eye examination valid for 24 months. Official OCD statement (this is new, started 1.1.2023)

No körung.

Many different recommendations for breeders. For example, LTV - at least one dog has the combination officially declared LTV0 result. There are also many other recommendations about spondylosis, HD index, epilepsy, EAOD, character and inbreeding or effective population size.



Required testing: HD (without restrictions), Eye testing (PRA) clear, working test with sheep or cows (GK VALLH PR). No exterior körung.

Recommendations: HD index above 100. And also other recommendations available for breeders.



Required testing: HD at least C, DNA test CEA



Required testing: HD (without restrictions). No körung.

Dog with HD D or E can be used only with dog with HD A or B.

Recommendations (to get Basis Plus pedigree): HD of parents A or B, HD index above 100. DNA CEA carrier can be used only with CEA clear. Dogs born after 30/06/2018 have to be OCD free.



Required are results of HD and eye tests, the results of the functional conformation test and the results of the herding and driving ability test.

Körung has two parts:

  • 1 - Functional conformation and exterior test

    • marks: excellent, very good, good, sufficient and insufficient.

  • 2 - Herding "ability" test - can be obtained in three ways:

    • Ability test - organized by club (something like NHAT/HWT?)

      • marks: excellent, very good, good, sufficient and insufficient.

    • Start licence

      • obtaining a starting licence is in practice equated to passing the ability test

        with mark "good".

    • Working test

      • in case that the dog competes in herding highest class.

Female can have 2 litters in 24months, between two litters has to be 10 months pause.



No körung, no health tests like HD, ED, OCD or DNA tests. Only DNA profile for parentage.



No health tests like HD, ED, OCD or DNA tests.

Körung - conformation and exterior test only.

The confirmation examination and the delivery of the final pedigree, gives the possibility to a dog to become a LOF registered and therefore breeding dog. There are several types of confirmation examination, depending on the origins of your dog:

  • Dog out of two parents registered with LOF gets only "birth certificate". Then you need to go for "confirmation by descent" confirmation examination.

  • If your dog was not born in France, you go for the same confirmation examination called "registration by import".

  • Dog without known origins or from one or two parents not registered in the LOF

    The procedure, identical to the previous ones, allows a dog without known origins or from parents not registered in the LOF, after passing the examination attesting to its correspondence with the criteria of the breed standard, with an expert judge, to be registered in the LOF in the first generation.

  • Dog without known origins or from one or two parents not registered in the LOF: "Closed" Book

    A procedure, similar to the previous one, allows a dog belonging to one of the breeds for which the LOF is "closed", to be registered on a Livre des Origines Annexes called Livre d'Attente.

    After 3 generations registered in the Livre d'Attente, the puppies can be registered in the LOF.

    Registration form for the Livre d'Attente.



Dogs need HD A or B, eyes (CEA, PRA) or DNA CEA and by DNA tests free for TNS and CL.

Plus Herding ability test "passed" (NHAT) or herding work test (HWT)




No health tests like HD, ED, OCD or DNA tests. No körung.

You can also go to shows for breed recognition of your dog and registration in the annex of the KCE Stud Book. It includes determination of the dog's DNA and its deposit in the DNA Bank of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Madrid.

This breed recognition show will allow the dog to have its pedigree, participate in dog shows and breed with its genealogy. If it is suitable for breeding, you will be able to breed and register your litters. The breed recognition is known as Initial Registration for purebred dogs that are NOT registered in a Stud Book.

The permitted ages for breeding are:

  • Females more than 1 year old and less than 10 years old at the time of mating.

  • Males older than 9 months and less than 12 years of age at the time of mating.

In the case of males, when the mating takes place when they are over 12 years old, paternity tests must be carried out with genetic material from the father and one of the puppies born from the litter, and they must be provided with the litter registration documentation.


Sonia Velasco


No health tests like HD, ED, OCD or DNA tests. No körung.

You can also have the "breed recognition" examination, where two breed judges will attribute a qualification to the dog, evaluated against the respective standard, classifying it. If the dog pass with "Excellent" or "Very Good", he gets full registration as a border collie.



Körung, HD-free, CEA-free (eye examination or DNA test), PRA/KAT-free, ECVO Glaukom - free or DNA GG - at least carrier, TNS/CL-DNA normal.

The approval for breeding takes place for a period of 2 years. From the age of 5 years, an inspection may take place up to the breeding age limit for bitches, and for life for males.

The registered dogs are to be judged individually according to the given guidelines:

  • 1. temperament test: Every dog that is to be licensed must pass a temperament test. This test is carried out by a judge authorised by the ÖKV. Dogs showing deficiencies in temperament are eliminated. The desired character of our dogs is good nerves, security, composure, impartiality. The dog must not be fearful, overly skittish, biting or vicious. Rather, he should react attentively, temperamentally and without shyness, or a certain, standard-related reserve towards strangers must be taken into consideration.

    • The temperament test consists of strong visual and acoustic stimuli, groups of people with and without dogs as well as usual encounters in road traffic.

  • 2. evaluation in stand and movement: this is carried out by a judge authorised by the ÖKV for our breeds - in this case a Körmeister. It covers the overall appearance, conformation, expression and nobility, size, coat, colour, markings, head shape and bite. Furthermore, the movement in walk, trot, including the tail carriage.

If you go for körung repetition after 2 years, attention is paid to whether changes have occurred compared to previous findings. Marks are given for both character and appearance: "licensed", "not licensed", "licensed again" or "not licensed again".

Dogs that have not passed the licensing twice may not be brought to another licensing.

Dogs that are not brought to the re-licensing after 2 years will lose their licensing.

If it has been proven that the dog is not capable of procreation, or if there are proven hereditary defects in the offspring, the dogs will not be licensed/re-licensed, or may also be de-licensed.



To obtain a breeding license dogs with HD grade A, B, C and D are allowed. Dogs with grade E/I and E/II are not used in breeding.

Dog show mark at least very good for females, excellent for males.

Körung - breeding test (satisfied / not satisfied marks), judged by two judges, has two parts:

  • Temperament evaluation ?? (not sure if this is for all breeds or just for "bull breeds")

    • by members of the breeding commission by studying the dog in

      different situations simulated from real life. If it is suspected to be a dog

      extremely timid, aggressive, unpredictable in reactions, he can be given a rating

      socialization: DID NOT SATISFY, and will be denied breeding licence.

    • It is left to the breeding committee members to improvise real life situations for

      verification of the above. (e.g. passing through a group of people, clapping people, leaving a dog tied up and observing the reaction, passing by a running car, etc.).

  • Exterior part

You can repeat the test after 3 months.

Females can breed till 8 years of age. Males need to have "breeding inspection" after 8 years to be able to be used also later.



I was not able to find anything.



HD mandatory, DNA CEA.

Dog needs to have exterior examination (can be done during körung) or at least "good" from special dog show and then körung.

Dog with HD C, bad character or physical condition can have only one litter. More litters need to be based on other dogs results and traits and approved from the kennel club individually. Marks from körung:

  • Approved

  • Limited

  • Not approved

First körung is valid for only two years and then have to be repeated for the second time.

ED, OCD, eye examination and DNA for glaucoma, EAOD recommended.

Females can be bred till 8 years, one litter per year is allowed.



No health tests like HD, ED, OCD or DNA tests. No Körung.

Recommended Health Tests from the National Breed Club: HD, eyes examination.



No health tests like HD, ED, OCD or DNA tests. No Körung.



No health tests like HD, ED, OCD or DNA tests. No Körung.


New Zealand

Affiliated with The Kennel Club, England

No health tests like HD, ED, OCD or DNA tests. No Körung.

If you are Accredited Breeder, then you need to fullfill:

Eye examination, HD, DNA for CEA, NCL and DNA - Profile



No health tests like HD, ED, OCD or DNA tests. No Körung.



Dog need to get at least "very good" from dog show. One evaluation under the age of 2 years, two evaluations over the age of 2 years (one of them may have been received in the junior class). In exceptional cases, an individual inspection of the dog is allowed, which is organized by the club in coordination with the Civil Affairs Commission and the Expert Bureau.

Females can be used in breeding till 8 years. One litter per calendar year.



No health tests like HD, ED, OCD or DNA tests. No Körung.

Females should have at least one 'very good' and males 'excellent' from the show.

Recommened: HD/ED/OCD/patella and other genetic tests, working test for the working breeds (like NHAT, BH/VT or mental test etc)

Dogs can be bred since the age of 15 months old (both males and females). Males can be bred till their death, females till 9 y.o. Max 6 litters for females, recommended to have 1 litter a year, but if she was bred twice in a year, she should get full 12 months break.


Anzhela Popovychenko

South Korea

I was not able to find anything.



No health tests like HD, ED, OCD or DNA tests. No Körung.

However if both parents have HD/ED tests (HD-A/B/C and ED-0/1/2), title Belarus Junior Champion or Junior Breed Champion or Belarus Champion or Breed Champion, CEA+PRA+DM genetic tests and mental test grade 1 (there is grade 1, grade 2 and disq) the puppies will get a stamp in their pedigrees with something like 'selective breeding/high quality breeding'. Also if one of the parents has HD-C you cannot breed her/him to HD-C dog. Same with ED-2 (but funny thing, if you will not send Xrays to kennel club they will not grade it so theoretically you can breed dog with HD-D and ED-3 without any problems, as they don’t ask any health testings)

The minimal age of breeding is 18 months for females and 15 for males. Males can be bred till the age of 10 years, females till 8. And female can have max 6 litters with a break of at least 6 months.


Anzhela Popovychenko


I was not able to find anything.



For male - at least 2× excellent, for female - at least 2 × very good from dog show.

HD, ED, eyes examination, DNA test. No korung.

Breeding till 8 years, one litter in the year.


Ana Menčiūnienė


I was not able to find anything.



I was not able to find anything.



No health tests like HD, ED, OCD or DNA tests. No Körung.


Terras de Acayu Border Collies


No health tests like HD, ED, OCD or DNA tests. No Körung.

Required to have at least one working test (general obedience test, mental test grade 1 or 2, BH/VT, NHAT etc)

Recommened: HD/ED/OCD/patella and other genetic tests. You can breed dogs with HD-A/B/C and ED-0/1/2. Dogs should have at least one 'very good' from the show.

Dogs can be bred from the age of 18 months. Males can be bred till their death, females till the age of 8. Females are recommended to have 1 litter per year (with a break of 300 calendar days) or if they are planning to breed twice a year female should have full 365 days of break after.


Anzhela Popovychenko :)

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