About Reef Beef
a podcast talking about all things marine aquaria.

Rich and Ben, two old salts, talk about all things reef in a frank and off the cuff conversation.
Reef Beef was started with the need to discuss topics that were not acknowledged or spoken about elsewhere.
Who are we?
We are two fishy friends who enjoy bantering with each other.
Richard Ross:
Richard Ross is known for the “Skeptical Reefkeeping” article series, his groundbreaking work with cephalopod husbandry, his entertaining and informative talks, for managing the ambitious 212,000 gallon reef tank in the Steinhart Aquarium in the California Academy of Sciences, being able to ‘get things done’ in the field, and most for spawning Acropora sp in closed systems.
Ben Johnson:
Ben Johnson has been employed in the aquarium industry for the better part of the last 25 years. From aquarium stores to maintenance companies, wholesale outfits to a zookeeper at the Houston zoo, Mr. Johnson finally started his own aquarium maintenance company in 2002 and went full-time with it in 2004. Ben was lucky enough to be published in Tropical Fish Hobbyist magazine three times, regarding aquarium systems installations.
Recent supporters

Joseph McDonough is now a member.
Thank you so much for your humor,candor and expert takes on the hobby and art of reefing.

Kenna Hughes-Castleberry became a monthly supporter.
You guys are awesome! Thanks for making this podcast. :)

Brennin Consalvi is now a member.

Eric J Rood is now a member.
Rich, Like I said, I wont wait another 20 years before we hang out together again.
Ben, Great after hours talks, really enjoyed the time together, and so glad I finally was able to meet up with you.
Don't tell Rich, Highlight of my weekend!!!😄

Ichthyogeek bought 4 beers.
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