12 types of Leo

May 09, 2020

This is only for those whose Sun is in Leo. 

Hello, how are you? Those who know a bit of astrology know that the dominant sign of Sun is Leo. You have a strong Sun, even if it's in your 12th house or ruling your 12th house. Even if a Leo has self-confidence problems, I think that deep down they really like themselves. There's always a sense of integrity and generosity in Leos. Jupiter expands everything it touches, while Sun makes it shine, and Leos' personality is going to be obvious to everyone they first meet. If they are good people, it's going to be so obvious. If they are playful and funny, they are going to be really playful. Leos don't hide their personality, like Scorpios Sun hide some aspects of themselves. You need to know your Ascendant, to know which type are you. I'll be using whole sign system for this one. 

Aries Ascendant: Sun rules your 5th house, and you are a typical Leo. You love life, and you are creative. You are confident and desire attention. You are also very generous.

Taurus Ascendant: Sun rules your 4th house of emotions. You are sensitive and caring. You are not someone who's usually describes as confident, but you have great inner confidence, even if you don't show it. 

Gemini Ascendant: Your Sun rules your 3rd house, and during your school years you were very confident, and you probably attracted lots of attention during those years. And if that's not that case, then probably after your 30th year, you gained more confidence in yourself. 

Cancer Ascendant: You may struggle with self-confidence more than the most Leos. You must learn to rely on yourself. Your self-confidence is there, you just need to know that you are a strong person. You also may have problems showing confidence. Compared to other Leos, you may have to work more on your self-confidence. But, you are patient, and as long as you keep working on yourself, you will achieve it. There's also a materialistic tendency in you. 

Leo Ascendant: You are the most confident Leo, and you knew who you are since you were very young. No one would doubt that you are confident. 

Virgo Ascendant: Your 12th house is ruled by Leo. You may be quite artistic. You like attention and hate it at the same time. You are a perfectionist, but you lack self-awareness. You may struggle finding out who you really are. But, you are the most generous Leo along with Pisces Ascendants. 

Libra Ascendant: You are an eccentric Leo. You are social and would prefer to share your spotlight with your friends. You also may donate to causes you are passionate about.

Scorpio Ascendant: You want to be an authority, and your career may be as a  performer, teacher, or acting. You want all eyes to be on you, and you won't let anyone disrespect you even the slightest. You are incredibly prideful. 

Sagittarius Ascendant: You have strong beliefs and you identify with them. {This reminded me of a Leo. I wonder if she's a Sagittarius Ascendant.} You also desire freedom more than anything.

Capricorn Ascendant: Sun rules your 8th house of intimate sex, death, and everything Scorpionic. You desire power in life. You are quite sexual as well and secretive as well. 

Aquarius Ascendant: Sun rules your 7th house. There are two ways this can be interpreted, and either or both may be true for you. You may desire partners who are very confident, or/and you are confident only when you are in a serious relationship or in a close friendship. You are polite, and you are very passionate about certain social issues. Like J.K.Rowling is passionate about Lumos.

Pisces Ascendant: Your Sun rules your 6th house. You are generous, and you will find confidence in work. Your employees may think of you as bossy, but you are very attentive to them and won't overwork them, although you desire perfection from them. 

~ Red Rose-Crown

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