12 types of Capricorn

12 types of Capricorn

May 09, 2020

Disclaimer: This is only for Capricorn Suns! 

Hello. I'm Red Rose-Crown. Your Sun is ruled by Saturn and his rings. Saturn is known as the delayer of things, because is the furthest visible planet. But, the truth is that Jupiter can delay just as much sometimes. The difference is that Saturn is serious and doesn't like to have too much. Everything must be important and necessary. With Sun being ruled by this planet, your personality traits are not numerous. Your sense of self is strong, but you are not a person that changes everyday. Your personality traits may have been the same since you've been 15. And every 5-7 years you may experience a little change, because this long it takes for the Saturn to aspect itself. You desire to achieve a personality, but you are not someone who experiments. I've heard a theory that Capricorns are the most hardworking people, but that's not true. Capricorns have high standards and they don't work unnecessary. At certain extent, Capricorns may suffer from low self-esteem, and don't worry, because eventually self-esteem will grow with time. Now, without further ado, my dear Capricorns, let's dive into the 12 types of Capricorn. Find out your Saturn sign.

Saturn in Aries: You suffer from low self-esteem, and you may have quite struggled in your early year to assert yourself. But, nevertheless you are ambitious and daring and very determined.

Saturn in Taurus: You are at certain extent lazy, but materialistic. You are incredibly stubborn at times. While at times you may struggle with self-esteem, you generally have a good self-esteem. You must learn that who you are is completely independent from how much you have.

Saturn in Gemini: You love studying and learning new things, but you may have struggled in communicating with others in early youth. Your sense of self fluctuates, and compared to other Capricorns you change the most throughout years. You must learn that you lying or deceiving others can be quite a detriment to your self-esteem and sense of self.

Saturn in Cancer: You must learn to be independent and rely to yourself more. You must not run away from what you feel as well. More emotionally healthy you are, the better your self-esteem will be.

Saturn in Leo: You are a strong, confident Capricorn, striving to be a leader. Others might not listen to you or pay attention to you, but don't be discouraged.

Saturn in Virgo: You love having a routine, and indeed you are the most hard-working Capricorn. The problem is that you are the very definition of perfectionism. Accept yourself for who you are, and don't try to over-analyze everything you are. You are perfect the way you are.

Saturn in Libra: These Capricorns are monogamous and or serial monogamous. There is a slight tendency for laziness.

Saturn in Scorpio: These folks are quite sexual and ambitious. They are secretive, and tend to hide their goals and ambitions.

Saturn in Sagittarius: Adventurous and rebellious, these folks are greedy for adventures. Maybe sometimes they complain that they are not visiting the world enough.

Saturn in Capricorn: Typical Capricorns: serious, hard-working, always working toward the same goal they had since they were very young. You are probably proud to be a Capricorn.

Saturn in Aquarius: You are a rebellious side and a serious side. You can be a bit eccentric. You are the Capricorn who cares the most about the underprivileged and social issues.

Saturn in Pisces: These Capricorns are more sensitive than they'd like to show. Their personality is highly influenced by others, and they may take other people's traits unconsciously. Just like with everybody who has planets in Pisces, especially these folks, they must learn to distinguish themselves from other people. They must ask themselves if what they want is really what they want, not what others want for themselves. Is it really their ambition?

~ By Red Rose-Crown

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