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Financial transparency

Financial transparency

Jun 24, 2020

Hello! I just wanted to write this post as a financial transparency disclaimer thing so you know exactly what happens to your money when you donate. I've chosen this platform because Buymeacoffee charges you some pennies extra so that it's not me picking up the credit card fees and receiving a large proportion less than your intended donation.

If you pay with Stripe, for every £3 you intend, you pay £3.39, and we receive £2.97.
If you pay with Paypal, you're charged £3.39 for a £3 donation, and we receive £2.82 (UK/EU cards) and £2.75 if you're outside the UK/EU.

So either way, we receive a little less than your intended donation - but much closer to it if you use Stripe - it's only 3p less v.s. 18/25p less on Paypal.

If I myself am running AND modelling for a session, I take all the donations.
If it's a Wednesday, I give your donation, minus the fees, to the model.
If it's a Saturday, the model and I share the donations minus the fees.

I spent a while getting my head round this. I truly believe financial transparency is so important, and especially for you who are so generously giving your hard earned pennies to my business. This endeavour isn't about exploitatively filling my own pocket, but using my hard work as a platform to pay creatives, including myself, a fairly distributed income.

Thank you so much for your support both now, in the past, and in the future.

Topaz x

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