Too much Yang not enough Ying

Too much Yang not enough Ying

Jul 15, 2024

I recently had an incredible session with a local lady who is almost of the two worlds half in spirit and half in matter. Except the 2 worlds are of course one and it is just our inability to see the whole that separates most of us, but not Sheena. She is lovely and divinely directed.

I reached out to Sheena on Facebook she does regular card pulls around the moon cycles and I often have a little look but one day last week I had a feeling I needed to work with her, to help me with these transitions in life that have been thrust upon me.

She replied with an offer of catch up and cake which is always a firm yes and I thought we would have a brief chat on how many ways I can work with her, but it wasn't like this at all.

Sheena was very kind and direct and said there was some stuff I needed to know, some cycles running on repeat, something that happened when I was 5, then 5 years ago then 10 years ago which was confusing at first and then fascinating and for that part all you need to know is wounded child trauma playing out just wanting to be fixed.

She said Kali the Goddess of death and rebirth had to knock my tower down, had to in effect take me back to ground zero so I have the opportunity to create real change. This fortifies the belief that things happen for you, not to you and although it is not always easy to understand it is the path guiding you towards your highest good.

This led her to my next piece of advice. I have been in the vibration of too much heat, too much sun energy, too much yang which is the masculine energy. This actually had kept coming up in my daily oracle cards but I didn't know what to do with it. Sheena advised that I work with the moon energy, the feminine energy, the yin energy. She also said spirit mentioned me making green juices and the cacao and that was still part of my journey.

Yin energy is:

  • Feminine

  • passive

  • internal energy

  • Spiritual

  • Night time

  • Intuition

  • Feeling (felt sense)

  • Introspective

  • Moon

  • Water

  • Being

  • Grows

  • Rest

  • Surrender

  • Nurturer

  • A diet that is good for the earth and to the earth

Yang Energy is

  • masculine

  • External energy

  • Active (doing)

  • Physical

  • Pressure

  • Provider

  • Force

  • Sun

  • Heat

  • A diet that contains animal products.

When you are gifted information like this, it takes some time to allow it to absorb. What then connected was the week before I realized without a doubt my sacral chakra is well out of balance. I know this because of all the physical and emotional signs I have that indicate an imbalance and what then links is that this is a 'yin' chakra which to be in balance needs the balance of the masculine and the feminine, the yin and the yang.

This is what we call a synchronicity. Not a coincidence. It is divine intervention, it is the invisible powers, forces and guides giving you little nudges, little bits of information and support so you can then sit with it and adjust to achieve that important balance of body and mind. If we are not yet fully connected and trusting of our internal instincts and intuitions the information will be delivered externally.

Sheena basically said that I deny my own heart centered spirituality and play in the material a little too much, speaking the talk of we are spiritual beings having a human experience but living with fear, worry and panic and a belief that I am the one who is in control and has to fix everything around me and for my children and she is completely correct.

When relaying this information to another wonderful spiritual friend of mind Emily, she said that it made perfect sense as I have been in survival mode for so long, so long having to be in my masculine, in my action, as a single parent and a woman that attracts man babies. I have had to step up and not just nurture and nourish but provide, to act quickly.

We glorify the ability to be all things, forgetting that being more of one thing, does not make you all things and in being all things you can deplete and up 'no-things'

I know I have had a fear of just being since really having my children as I am the one that takes care of them. I have been witness to many miracles this last few weeks, many blessings that I think maybe my exhausted self is safe to surrender the reigns over to spirit and acknowledge just little power or control I have and to be less active and more passive in a divinely led journey in which the only power I really have is self mastery. Caring for my 4 bodies, not just the physical but the mental, emotional and spiritual and not just thinking with my conscious mind and letting my sub conscious mind run and ruin the show but to allow the sup conscious mind, the higher mind, the connection to spirit lead the way and have my heart trust that the only way to navigate life, is not just to navigate it together as in person to person, country to country to country working together for each other but to work on the individual state of being the 3 minds and the 3 bodies. Unity consciousness starts with the union of the self to earth and to spirit, this is the only journey, this is the path to fulfilment.

I find myself grateful yet again this year for another miracle in human form sent to me to give me a little 'WAKE UP McFly' moment to assure me. I don't have to be and do it all the universe well and truly has my back, I just need to get out of the way.

Sheena didn't know I used to have a little Luna squeeze enterprise where I delivered juice fasting and meditation packages with the moon cycles but this is now my first go to to letting my feminine flourish in a masculine world.

My first step in passive action to be the change.

Love Bex

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