Work, Work, Work...

Work, Work, Work...

Jun 18, 2023

I realize I haven't made a blog post in quite some time and I'm quite aware that I have supporters...and I'm sorry.

Work has been relentless to say the least and I have been short staffed since we got to the Lake Village location but, if you've ever cooked for a living, you know that food never stops and it just has to be done. Throw in the occasional psychotic idiot that worked for Gina the Frugal, since she's now managing the Fountain there, and the 60 plus hour work weeks has made our stay here less adventurous. However, for the cooks reading this, when people appreciate what you do, it makes all the hours worth while. And they do.

However, that doesn't mean that we had the chance to do a few things on the rare days off that we have. The pics will show what we've seen, including the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone the other day, West Thumb, and so on.

I might grump about the hours but honestly, we needed to make some money and build the stocks back up and it can't be any better than doing it here, sitting on top of one of the worlds largest superBild

volcanos, with views that can remind you in an instant that the world is larger than you and you should most definitely respect it...and appreciate it.

Thank you for your support and here are just a few of the things we see every day. Pictures don't do it justice. Yellowstone has to be seen with your own eyes to be truly appreciated.

As always, have a great day!

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