Currently making custom Civilizations for Sid Meier's Civilization V, as I have been since 2014.
Welcome to my page! I'm RawSasquatch, aka Kramer on Steam or Sas on Discord. I've been making custom civs for more than 6 years now, all in my free time while working full-time retail hell. The civs I make vary from historial entities, oftentimes shorter-lived states or lesser-known people, to fictitious factions from the likes of Fallout, Far Cry, and even the odd anime or two! On top of this, you've likely seen civs that I didn't make but contributed artwork to, or maybe even one of my uber-rare Component mods, eg Fallout Religions, Special Forces, or Post-Apocalyptic Soundtracks.
If you like what I do, please consider sending a coffee my way! Every last one of my mods will always be free, and no content will ever be locked behind any sort of paywall -- you'd just be giving me a donation to help me not die out of the goodness of your heart. Any sort of donation will always have me jumping for joy, encourage me further, and will always be appreciated.
Thanks for your support, and have fun playing!
Sostenitori recenti

Someone ha offerto 5 coffees .
Hi! If you don't do requests, feel free to ignore this. A mod for the USSR under Krushchev would be awesome. The UU could be the Tu-16 or M-4, the UB could be whatever I'm not sure, and the UA could be something related to the early Sovietlead in the Space Race. Again, don't want to, don't. This is a donation for you amazing civ 5 modding work, not a bribe. Keep being awesome! Mele
Thanks for the support! And while I indeed don't necessarily take requests, I'm happy to pass on the good news that More Civilizations actually already did a pretty great Khrushchev mod last year, which can be found on the Steam Workshop. They've got a MiG-21 and an OKB research lab, but indeed do have a Science and Spaceship Parts focus.

Joshua Jones ha offerto un coffee .
Just an extra $3.00.