Raphael Reiter
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Stop Brushing your teeth!

Stop Brushing your teeth!

Jul 16, 2021

I hope you had an amazing week, and I am so happy to write this week's post!

Here is the program:

  1. Stop Brushing your teeth!

  2. Live meditation Sunday

  3. Book of the week

  4. News on the course


Stop Brushing your teeth!

If I would tell you right now to stop brushing your teeth every day because it takes you time and meh, it's not really worth it, what would you say?

You would probably unsubscribe to that newsletter and say: "That's it, he's a nice guy, but he's lost it".

And that would be a good thing!

You need to brush your teeth because it is an important part of your hygiene.
You probably take a shower every day, too!
You wear clean underwear, and you even clean your environment, dishes and all.

That's fantastic.

Now let's talk about your mind.

Let's talk about your spirit, let's talk about your soul.

When I hear: "I don't have time to meditate 20 minutes per day" what I hear is: "I don't brush my teeth."

We have this weird relationship with our own minds, where somehow we forget about it sometimes, or we don't really care about it. Maybe it's because we can't touch it, materialize it.

Maybe, and I really hope that's not true, it's because other people can't see it (although the people close to us feel it very much). They can see your teeth are gross and your breath smells bad when you don't brush your teeth, and that will make you a social pariah. But with relatively good communication skills, others might not notice that are minds are muddy or corrupted - at least not the people that matter in your life. Or maybe, it is because it is considered normal, in today's society, to have a muddy mind. 

I want to quote Epictetus, from the Enchiridion (READ that book! please! get your copy here)
Side note: I have also made a video series on that book, check it out: Enchiridion Playlist

"If a person gave away your body to some passerby, you'd be furious. Yet you hand over your mind to anyone who comes along, so they may abuse you, leaving it disturbed and troubled - have you no shame in that?"

In the same way, we take care of our physical hygiene, but often forget about, or don't take the time (you have the time) to take care of our minds.

But friends, remember that our minds run the show! It is the most important part of ourselves that we should nurture, and care for! Our minds are in our control. We decide how we react to events in our lives. If tomorrow, God forbids, you have an accident and break your leg, you will have a broken leg. The way you live your life after that, will not depend on your leg anymore, as much as it does on your MIND.

Make your meditation and other practices an automatic and non-negotiable mind hygiene practice. If you don't have time once a day to practice your meditation, then do it twice a day.

There are other mind hygiene practices of course, but for now, if the only one we add and practice consistently is meditation, it's already a great start.

The way I do it is very simple.

I wake up. I sit. I meditate.

Sometimes, my eyes don't open. Now, I sleep on the floor, on a hybrid carpet - futon, and my meditation pillow is right on it. So it is really easy for me. The alarm rings, I don't think about it. I don't turn it off. I sit up. Then I turn it off, and I meditate.

I wake up at 3:30 and do 30 minutes of meditation + breathwork. Then I get up, take care of my body hygiene and start the next part of my daily routine.

Before I let you go, of course, there is SO much more than just mind hygiene in meditation... especially when we start talking about transcendence, inner realms, unified fields... and more - we will talk about this later and cover these topics in-depth in the course.

Course Update!

As you guys have requested, I have changed the currency to the course to USD, to make it more simple for most :) I am still working hard on that course to make it as valuable as possible. Still a lot to do, but I am very happy with how things are going. Thanks to all for your awesome encouragement! You can still get 50% off, and there are still spots to fill for free 1 on 1 sessions. For the discounted price, follow this link.

Live Meditations: 

We are resuming with our live meditations, however, we have changed the times from 10AM to 11AM EST. This is so that more of our friends on the West Coast of the US can join us at a more reasonable hour for a Sunday :) We will meditate live each Sunday, on youtube, starting... last week!

Book of the week: 

I quoted it above, and I think it is one of the most important books on philosophy - and of life - that we all should read at least once in our lives:
The Enchiridion by Epictetus (READ that book! please! get your copy here) Enchiridion literally translates to the life manual. It is so amazing, I did a whole video series on Youtube about it last year, check it out: Enchiridion Playlist

That's all for me today friends! Thanks for reading, and until next week, take care!

Love + Soul HUGS!


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