Top 10 Motivational Quotes On Nature You ...

Top 10 Motivational Quotes On Nature You Can’t Miss To Read (my original quotes)

Apr 11, 2023

Photo by Jonatan Pie on Unsplash

Man and nature have been inextricably linked since the dawn of human civilisation. From the earliest hunting and gathering societies to modern urban metropolises, humans have depended on nature for sustenance, shelter, and countless other resources. 

At the same time, human activities have had a profound impact on the natural world, from the clearing of forests to the burning of fossil fuels.

Today, as the world faces urgent ecological challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss, the relationship between man and nature is more important than ever.

In order to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for both ourselves and the planet, it is essential that we find ways to balance our needs and desires with the health and well-being of the natural world.

Here are top ten motivational quotes on nature originally created by me ONLY FOR YOU...I’m sure you can’t miss to read them.

Top 10 Motivational Quotes On Nature

  1. “We live with nature, learn from nature, and thrive with nature.” - RB.

The quote "We live with nature, learn from nature, and thrive with nature" highlights the crucial role that nature plays in our lives. It recognises that humans are an integral part of the natural world and that our well-being is intimately connected with the health of the environment.

By living with nature, we acknowledge our responsibility to protect and preserve it for future generations. By learning from nature, we gain insights into how to live more sustainably and in harmony with the natural world.

Ultimately, by thriving with nature, we can create a more just, equitable, and sustainable world for all living beings.


2.     “The beauty of nature is infinite, invaluable, and inseparable from our existence.” – RB

The beauty of nature is an unquantifiable and boundless force that enriches our lives in immeasurable ways. It is a source of inspiration, wonder, and awe that can evoke powerful emotions and connect us to something greater than ourselves.

The value of nature extends far beyond its aesthetic appeal and is an essential component of our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. We depend on nature for clean air, water, and food, as well as for the raw materials and resources that power our economies and societies.

In many ways, the beauty of nature is inseparable from our existence, shaping who we are as individuals and as a species, and reminding us of our place in the interconnected web of life.


3.     “You can find your food, shelter, dress, and intellect all in nature.” – RB.

Nature is a vast storehouse of resources that can provide us with everything we need to survive and thrive. We can find food in the form of wild plants and animals that have sustained human populations for millennia.

Natural materials like wood, stone, and fibers can be used to build homes, create clothing, and fashion tools and implements. Nature is also a rich source of knowledge and wisdom, offering insights into science, philosophy, and spirituality that can enrich our lives and deepen our understanding of the world.

By embracing nature and learning from its many gifts, we can unlock a world of possibilities and tap into our own innate creativity and resourcefulness.


  1. “Nature is beauty par excellence, both internally and externally?” – RB


Nature is an exquisite work of art, full of beauty and wonder, with a level of complexity and intricacy that far surpasses anything humans can create. From the sweeping vistas of mountains and oceans to the delicate details of a flower petal or butterfly wing, nature captivates and inspires us with its breathtaking beauty.

But nature's beauty is not just skin deep - it is also reflected in the intricate ecological systems and processes that sustain life on earth. The disconnectedness of all living things, the balance of ecosystems, and the way in which organisms adapt and evolve over time are all testament to the beauty and intelligence of nature's design.

Ulimately, nature's beauty is not just something to be admired, but also something to be protected and cherished, so that future generations can continue to marvel at its wonders.


  1. “When we appreciate the beauty of nature, we remain indebted to her.” – RB.  

When we stop and take in the beauty of nature, we are reminded of the many gifts that the earth has bestowed upon us. We recognize the beauty of the natural world as something that we have not created, but rather inherited from those who came before us.

This appreciation of nature creates a sense of gratitude and indebtedness to the environment, which inspires us to care for it and protect it for future generations. When we appreciate the beauty of nature, we are more likely to seek ways to live in harmony with the environment, rather than exploiting and degrading it for our own short-term gain.

Ultimately, our appreciation of nature helps us to see ourselves as part of a larger ecosystem, and reminds us of our responsibility to protect and preserve the earth for all living beings.


  1. “Nature is pure, pious, and perennial.” – RB.  

Nature is a reflection of the purity and simplicity of the natural world, untouched by the complexities and conflicts of human society. It is a source of inspiration and wonder that has been revered by cultures around the world for centuries, and has played a central role in many spiritual traditions.

Despite the many changes and upheavals that humans have wrought upon the earth, nature remains steadfast and unchanging, continuing to provide for us and sustain us. Its piousness is reflected in the way that it nurtures life, creating a delicate balance of ecosystems that are able to adapt and evolve over time. 

Ultimately, nature's perennial beauty and vitality remind us of the enduring power and resilience of the natural world, and the importance of preserving it for future generations.


  1. “Change is the basis of nature, evolution is the process of nature, and transformation is the nature of nature.” – RB.  

Change is an inherent part of the natural world, as everything in nature is constantly in a state of flux and transformation. Evolution is the process by which nature adapts to changing conditions, allowing organisms to survive and thrive in new environments.

Transformation is at the core of nature's creative power, as it allows for the emergence of new forms and possibilities over time. Nature's ability to change and adapt is what makes it so resilient, allowing it to overcome even the most severe environmental challenges.

By embracing change and transformation, we can learn from nature's example and cultivate a greater sense of flexibility, creativity, and adaptability in our own lives.


  1. “We are a part of nature; we learn from nature; and we sustain our lives by consuming stuff from nature.” – RB.  

Our existence is intertwined with the natural world, as we are both a product of and participant in the same ecological systems. Throughout human history, we have learned from nature, drawing inspiration and knowledge from the beauty, complexity, and intelligence of the natural world.

Our survival as a species depends on our ability to consume resources from nature, including food, water, and materials for shelter and clothing. However, we must also recognize our responsibility to use these resources wisely and sustainably, to ensure that future generations can continue to thrive.

By embracing our connection to nature, we can cultivate a greater sense of respect, appreciation, and stewardship for the natural world, ensuring its preservation for generations to come.


  1. “Nature has been protecting us since ages. Now it’s our turn to protect it.” – RB. 

Nature has been our protector since the beginning of human existence, providing us with shelter, food, and countless other resources. However, in recent times, human activities have led to a depletion of natural resources and degradation of ecosystems, putting our own survival at risk.

It is now our turn to protect nature, to ensure that the ecological systems that sustain us continue to function for future generations. We must take responsibility for our actions, and make conscious choices to reduce our impact on the environment, by conserving resources and reducing waste.

By protecting nature, we are not only safeguarding our own future, but also preserving the beauty, diversity, and wonder of the natural world for all living beings.

10.“Nature could make skyscraper a heap of rubble in a second.” – RB.  

Nature's power is awe-inspiring and humbling, capable of transforming the world in an instant. Natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes can reduce even the strongest buildings to rubble in a matter of seconds.

Despite our advances in technology and engineering, we are still at the mercy of the forces of nature. It is a reminder of the fragility of human life and the need for us to respect and work in harmony with the natural world.

By recognising the awesome power of nature, we can cultivate a greater sense of humility, reverence, and appreciation for the world around us.

(This is my First Post which need your wishes, support, and encouragement. - Ranjan Baral)


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