About rainbwlitebrite
creating art, poetry, and a host of other content
hi, welcome! i'm rainbw. in semi-short, i am an ever changing conglomerate: a variety content creator & community cultivator, mental health & social connectedness advocate, burgeoning voice talent & actress, abstract artist, avid pursuant of vibe-sharing music, & your new bestie.
i'm currently creating content in the form of streams over on twitch (glimesh tba), blogging, painting, and eventually, a podcast or two.
your support means that i get to take that much more time to dedicate to connection and creation. please only choose a contribution level at which you're comfortable supporting, and know that you are appreciated for doing so for however long a time you choose. thank you!
(profile picture by @leblebstudio, banner by @twtnirenren, membership graphics by @adobedoobeedo on twitter!)
Recent supporters
tojaku is now a member.
Stupendous bought a coffee.
aliceGIGLZ is now a member.
AdjectiveBeaver is now a member.
Stupendous is now a member.
Love all the creativity, Rainbw!
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