About Stephen Leung 吃喝玩樂 (吃喝玩樂)
Stephen, Youtube 頻道"吃喝玩樂"的主持人。我因為喜歡美食而開始我的頻道。我想與您分享我在餐飲方面的經驗。我也想分享在香港值得去玩的地方。我開始頻道的時間約為1.5年,訂閱人數從0到30000。我將繼續學習並製作更多美食和休閒視頻
很高興您訪問此頁面。這意味著您是真正關心我的視頻的人(這麼溫暖)😍。我花了很多時間和精力來製作我的視頻。從不了解視頻編輯到現在每週製作4個視頻。製作高質量視頻要花費大量時間和金錢。最重要的是,這需要決心和精力。坐在PC上花6到8個小時進行編輯並不容易。但我仍在為此而努力, 我相信您一定會明白。您對我的小小的貢獻將是我繼續保持這個頻道的巨大動力。我會繼續這段視頻因為我很樂意與您分享我的經驗。我對您說謝謝。🙏🏻🌈🖊
I am glad that you visit this page. That means you are those who really care about my video. I spent much time and effort to produce my video. From no knowledge in video editing to now working on 4 videos a week. It took a lot of time and money on making quality video. Most important, it take determination and effort. It is not easy to sit in front of a PC just to spend about 6-8 hours for editing. Along with other youtubers, we do it for fun and to share with you. I am sure you understand that. You small contribution to me will be a huge motivation for me to keep on with this channel and my personal life. I still keep on with the video because I love to share my experience with you. Love from Stephen
Recent supporters
First, I hope everyone is safe and healthy. Although my youtube channel is all about food and dining, I try to upload video on my pervious trip to Osaka. I understand everyone is more concern on the virus and on how to protect yourselves and your love one. As mentioned on my facebook, I have try my best to order some cleaning supplies and distribute for free for those who really in need. I have or...
In this difficult times
Feb 17, 2020
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