About Alexandr Garbuzov
creating open source software
Hey! I'm a software engineer from Ukraine with 5 years of experience. I love contributing to open source projects in my free time. Here is a list:
- - Maintaining github-readme-stats project with 100 000+ active users https://github.com/anuraghazra/github-readme-stats.
- - Created several small rust crates with 2000+ total downloads https://github.com/qwerty541/dns-bench https://github.com/qwerty541/logged-tcp-proxy https://github.com/qwerty541/logged-stream.
- - Created several plugins for OpenCart 3 with 3000+ total downloads https://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=marketplace/extension&filter_member=qwerty541.
I do not require any payment to continue my work, neverthless i will be grateful if you support it by donation.
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