Science Fiction & Twitch

Science Fiction & Twitch

Apr 09, 2021

It was a good week in terms of content creation, I think.

Lauren K. Nixon was kind enough to take the time out to join me on my Science Fiction 101 journey. We were introduced to Mary Shelley (Tuesday), Philip K. Dick (Wednesday), H. G. Wells (Thursday), and Arthur C. Clarke (Friday), and it was a lot of fun going over their individual bodies of work, live on Twitch.

The complete live sessions are made available on YouTube at the end of the day (and will stay there for posterity), and an edited version with superior audio quality will turn up as a podcast episode on your favourite podcast platform. Eventually.

I am perennially conscious of my speech. If you were to compare the live sessions with my regular YouTube videos, you see how heavily edited my content usually is. It took some courage to upload unedited videos directly to YouTube, where it stays. For now, I must say it helps that I'm still in the "0 viewers comfort zone", but this way, it is on record for everyone to see how I improve my speaking over time.

Happy weekend, cheers!

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