Tea Drinking Thursday - Twinings Earl Gr ...

Tea Drinking Thursday - Twinings Earl Grey: Extra Bold

Jul 19, 2023

Hello and Happy Tea Drinking ... well, I guess Day at this point! Haha!

Please forgive my absence. My old laptop (that was about six years old) decided to stop working, so I had to get a new one. :-( It was truly a sad day because on that laptop I worked on my first two books and a lot of projects for my business. Thankfully, everything was saved on an external hard drive, so I didn't lose anything, but still. In a weird way, you can say that laptop helped make me who I am today. But, alas, it was time, and I was finally able to get a new one last week, so here we are playing catch up. Tea Drinking Thursday will just be Tea Drinking Day until I am fully caught up, so please bear with me. :-)

The first tea up is from Twinings and it is their Extra Bold Earl Grey tea. Now, just so you know, I had this tea the morning my laptop stopped working, so I'm basing this off of my memory, which isn't exactly the best. Haha! But what I do remember from that day is dumping my box of different Twinings teas onto my bed, jumbling them around, closing my eyes, and diving my hand into the pile, praying I would get something with caffeine to help wake me up. I'm telling you, the tea gods must love me because when I opened my eyes and saw I had picked Earl Grey: Extra Bold, tears of joy almost streamed down my face. It was like they knew I needed a massive pick me up that day and they delivered.

What I do remember, taste and smell wise, is that it definitely had that wonderful Earl Grey scent. Just this mixture of burnt, earthiness with the bergamot oil. I think it smelt a little stronger than normal, but I don't 100% remember. And after taking my first sip, I was in Heaven. Again, I don't remember it tasting bolder than normal. It still had that wonderful burnt/earthiness flavor with the bergamot oil after taste, which was probably the main difference between normal and extra bold ... the bergamot oil was a little more prominent in this, so if you love its taste, then you will love this extra bold tea.

In the end, I do recommend this tea, especially if you love Earl Grey, like me. It is the perfect "pick me up" in the morning (or afternoon, if you need it) with a fantastic flavor that will make you melt.

Thank you for joining me today! As I mentioned earlier, I will be playing catch up now, so you will be seeing more posts in the coming days! Until next time, take care and drink on!

Please note, I am not getting paid to promote this tea or this brand. I am just a tea drinker enjoying some teas.

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