Tea Drinking Thursday - Twinings Earl Gr ...

Tea Drinking Thursday - Twinings Earl Grey Black Tea

Dec 14, 2023

Hello and Happy Tea Drinking Thursday! :-)

As the year comes to an end - and we get closer to celebrating National Hot Tea Month in January - I thought about it and came to this conclusion. With three Thursdays left in the year (yup, you read that correctly), instead of going through my arsenal of teas and debating which one to have, I'll just pick one from the tea sample boxes I have and enjoy those until the new year. Makes sense, right? Haha!

So, this morning, I grabbed my box of Twinings sample teas, dumped what's left (which is still a lot) onto my bed, shuffled them around, dove my hand into the pile, and grabbed... Earl Grey Black Tea. :-) I guess the tea gods felt I needed a pick me up this morning. Thank you, tea gods! Much appreciated! Haha!

As with any black tea, I was half expecting it to be on the stronger side, but this one also surprised me, like the Queen Anne tea I had a few months back. It wasn't that strong in taste, which I really enjoy. As much as I do love a good oolong tea or a strong Irish Breakfast tea, it's nice to have a light tasting, but still strongly caffeinated, black tea here and there. And I really loved this tea because its flavor and its smell reminded me so much of the Trix cereal. No, seriously, try Twinings Earl Grey Black Tea and tell me it doesn't remind you of that cereal. I'll be shocked if it doesn't. Haha!

In the end, I recommend this tea to anyone who loves Earl Grey. However, if you prefer it to be stronger in taste, try steeping it for a little longer and see what happens. No matter what, though, you will get that "pep in your step" you'll need with this great tea.

Thank you for joining me in celebrating another Tea Drinking Thursday! Until next week, take care and drink on!

Please note, I am not getting paid to promote this tea or this brand. I am just a tea drinker enjoying some tea.

PS: If you're looking for amazing recipes to try, hysterical adult humor, or want to win some awesome, geeky prizes, but also be able to donate to a great cause, then check out Cooking with Stupid on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and/or YouTube. You won't be disappointed... or maybe you will be. Haha!

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