Tea Drinking Thursday - Numi Aged Earl G ...

Tea Drinking Thursday - Numi Aged Earl Grey

Apr 18, 2024

Hello and Happy Tea Drinking Thursday! :-)

I know it's been a while and I'm truly so sorry that I keep disappearing on you, but I'm going to do my best to stay on top of this now. And I couldn't think of a better way to bring this back than with a new collection I received from my dear friend, Barbara, on my birthday. She knows my tea journey very well and when she gave me the Tea by Mood Collection from Numi, I was over the moon excited. I couldn't wait to give it a try.

Fast forward almost exactly four months (to the day) later and I'm finally opening up this bad boy! :-)

Now, being the most indecisive person on the planet, I had no clue where I wanted to begin this morning. Do I need more balance in my life? Do I need more energy? Do I need to be more focused or invigorated? Hey, let's be honest, it's all of the above and more! Haha! But instead of opening each one, taking out one bag (every "mood" comes with five bags in it) from each category, and doing my usual tussling it around and diving my hand in, I instead employed a different method. I decided to find myself a spinning wheel app on my phone, input the different names onto the wheel, and let that decide my fate. :-) (Proof of that is below.)

Today, it decided I needed to find "Balance" in my life; also known as enjoying some Aged Earl Grey.

In the past, I have tried other Earl Grey teas for this blog -- Twinings Earl Grey: Extra Bold, Earl Grey Creme from Flying Saucer Tea Station, and Twinings Earl Grey Black Tea -- and they were all very good, don't get me wrong, but...I think Numi's Aged Earl Grey tops them. This tea is so smooth. You know how bourbon or scotch connoisseurs, after taking a sip, sometimes say, "Wow, that went down smooth."

I never understood that until I drank this tea.

There's no harsh taste as you drink it, there's no harsh after taste, it's...just...perfect. Yes, you do get the burnt/earthiness of the black tea as well as a hint of citrus, but it's not like you're drinking a cup of dirt. And I will admit that as it sits, the flavor comes out more, but again, it's not overly jarring.

However, black teas are normally caffeinated, which wakes you up. Not this tea! I'm sitting here, enjoying the tea, typing this post up, and I'm ready to go back to bed. Haha! Then again, this is a "Balance" tea, so maybe it's calming me, so I can balance everything out. Who knows?! Haha!

In the end, I highly recommend this tea, especially to anyone who loves Earl Grey teas. You may be surprised at the difference between what you normally drink and this tea. :-)

Thank you for joining me today on this Tea Drinking Thursday! Until next time, take care and drink on!

Please note I am not getting paid to promote this tea or this brand. I am just a tea drinker enjoying some tea.

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