Tea Drinking Thursday - Earl Grey Creme ...

Tea Drinking Thursday - Earl Grey Creme from Flying Saucer Tea Station

Aug 01, 2023

Hello and Happy Tea Drinking Day! :-)

Guess what? We are FULLY caught up! Woohoo! So now starting on Thursday, August 3rd, we will be back on track with our weekly tea program. :-) However, I am thinking of adding/doing something a little different on here beginning on Thursday, so stay tuned.

Well, where do I begin? This morning was a RUFF one. Why did I spell "rough" like that? Because right now my furry nephew is staying at my house, while his parents are on vacation, and we found out yesterday that we have a hive of yellow jackets under one of our pitches near our kitchen window. The exterminator did his thing and now they're coming into the house! Luckily, they're staying downstairs in the kitchen and dining room area, which is near where my brother's dog is sleeping, so my husband and I took him upstairs to our room to be safe. Needless to say, we all had a rather restless night.

Why did I tell you that story? Because this morning, I needed something that would wake me up and thankfully I found this Earl Grey Creme tea from Flying Saucer Tea Station.

I was introduced to this amazing tea company, which is based in New York (and unfortunately only ships to customers in New York), by my cousin-in-law, who lives in the same town. She saw them at a farmers market (I believe) and was like, "You have to try them!"

Again, the problem was they only ship to customers in NY. Thankfully, my cousin-in-law was kind enough to take a shipment for me and then mail it to me. :-) I truly have the best in-laws! <3

Okay, sorry for the long-winded stories today; let's get to the tea, shall we?

This Earl Grey tea was strong! Remember when I tried the extra bold Earl Grey about a week and a half ago and said it wasn't that bold (strong) to me. Well, I definitely got the extra bold today and I SO needed it! Haha!

The second I opened this bag, I immediately smelled the black tea and the wonderful aroma of the bergamot oil; I knew this was going to be a good one. And while I was spooning it out -- to place in my tea bag -- I noticed how dark the tea looked and said to myself, "Oh, this is going to be a strong one."

Boy, was I right! That black tea immediately hit my tastes buds along with the bergamot oil and what tasted like vanilla to me, but vanilla is not listed in the ingredients. Maybe it's the cornflower? If you know what cornflower tastes like, let me know please. I would really appreciate it. :-)

In the end, I definitely recommend this tea, especially to anyone who loves Earl Grey tea and especially to anyone who loves a strong black tea. If you had a bad night's sleep, like I did, this is the perfect tea to help wake you up and get some work done. Like I stated earlier, though, the only problem is they don't deliver to anywhere outside of NY (as of right now). If you do live outside of it, hopefully you have family or a friend who does live in NY and would be willing to be your middleman for these teas. Trust me, I've had other teas from them before and they're so worth it! <3

Thank you for joining me today! Until next time, take care and drink on!

Please note, I am not getting paid to promote this tea or this brand. I am just a tea drinker enjoying some tea.

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