"Feeling Home" is OUT NOW

"Feeling Home" is OUT NOW

Apr 21, 2022

We’re all children of the ‘90s and nothing screams ‘90s electronic production more than sidechaining big and bold pad synths with a chunky kick. Together with the two intimate lead vocals that take each other’s place during the song we decided that the “fuzzy” melancholic synth fuelled feels of the past worked very well with the two alternating lead vocals, almost as if you’re speaking to the voices in your mind. The pop elements of the chord progression are put in contrast to the moody sounds and dark bass line creating this strange dichotomy. It feels familiar and alien at the same time. In this part of our journey we’re concentrating on the “philosophical” depth of how a song feels and the way we can contrast that completely. At the end of the day, a song is perceived very differently depending on who you ask so it’s interesting for us to challenge styles, sounds and frameworks. We don’t like being one dimensional and direct. Surely it’s a safe bet..because the listener gets what he expects in terms of “genre” but we’re just not made that way. We’d much rather experiment and bend expectations to make music that we feel rather than confine ourselves to a prepackaged “style”, whatever style means anyway.

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