Punky Pandamez
25 supporters
fanart for fic: "love lessons"

fanart for fic: "love lessons"

Apr 28, 2024

thank you @freakontour for choosing me as the artist to fulfill your fanfic prize! fanfic is for freaky's fic love lessons on ao3

[ID: a digital drawing of Naruto and Sasuke from Naruto. In this AU, Naruto is several years older than Sasuke. They are pictured from the torso up. Sasuke is to the left, his right arm off canvas as it presumably wraps around Naruto. He is fair skinned and blushing profusely. He has hair shaped similar to his canon duck-butt hairstyle, but appears damp and wavy. His head is angled up toward Naruto as if anticipating a kiss. His one visible eye is half-lidded. He is wearing nothing but a black leather collar with a matching harness and leash. The insides of the leash's handle is a burnt orange color. Naruto is holding the leash wrapped tight around his right hand, his knuckles pressed to Sasuke's chest. He appears slightly taller, looking down at Sasuke with intense focus. He is grinning with his mouth open as he speaks. He has tan, freckled skin and blue eyes. He has fluffy yet spiky blonde hair similar to his original canon hairstyles. He has crow's feet and smile lines starting to form on his face. He also has whisker-like scars on his cheek. He is wearing a dark blue leather corset with lace on the bodice. The blue straps branch off into a window around Naruto's chest and form the band of a gold bow tie. The corset has gold lining the closure at the front and around the top edge of the cups. On the trim are a line of pearls. There is a cluster of pearls on a brooch at the center of the neckline. Naruo's visible eye sports subtle brown eyeliner and eyeshadow. His left arm is pulled back off canvas. The background is dark grin with swirling of lighter green rings converging toward an increasingly lighter center. End ID]

[ID: the same image with the text: "You're MINE, little one..." in a speech bubble coming from Naruto. End ID]

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