Free one-to-one advice

Free one-to-one advice

Jan 05, 2021

In January I'm going to start a LIMITED number of free one-to-one video calls with owners of small businesses looking for ideas and advice on the following:

a) SALES – anything, including telesales and field (face to face). Want to learn the basics? Maybe you’d like to increase your average order value, get more customers and/or get referrals from your existing customers? It’s simply about asking the question. It’s about asking the ‘right’ question, once you’ve put everything else in place first. Intrigued? Let’s talk…

b) MARKETING – anything, from social and digital (e.g. website optimisation, mobile, email) to events, brand awareness, advertising (e.g. Google, social and print) and product launches. For example, how can you turn what you already know about your customers into revenue growth? Ah, so you’re already an expert on launching a new business venture with new products. Hang on, you’ve never actually done it before? Let me enhance what you already know.

I’ve spent the last 30 years crafting my skills, I have a wealth of knowledge that you can now tap in to, for free. All I ask for in exchange is a review on Facebook. Just a few words I can use to help me build my business.

During my diverse career I’ve trained over 400 sales professionals and over 300 customer service staff. I’m not saying I have all the answers. However, many people think they can sell yet very few actually understand the science and techniques used to influence decision making and overcome objections. Over the years I’ve learnt not to follow just one so-called sales guru, but to take elements from a number of resources and I'll talk through the basics so you can decide on your own combination for 'unlocking the safe'.

When I first got involved in marketing businesses typically preferred Yellow Pages, press advertising and the occasional exhibition. The internet was for porn and Twitter was only really a platform for celebrities. Facebook was for students and, despite the demise of Friends Reunited, it still took 6 months for any of the contacts in my address book to appear and another 6 months for me to see someone I actually wanted to connect with.

Imagine that, creating a profile on what is now the worlds largest social network and no one you know is on it!

Since then I’ve delivered highly complex campaigns in multiple languages, to multiple audiences utilising both digital and traditional channels, as well as smaller ad-hoc projects where a series of short 30 minute live broadcasts on just one social network has resulted in over 150,000 views globally and masses of engagement.

Whether you own a shop selling products, provide services or are looking to start your own business I’ll give you my thoughts for free, in plain English.

Please share this post with anyone you feel might benefit. Get them to sign up so they’ll hear more from me on this when the time is right.

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